27 July 2009

The Next Chapter

The saga of Kevin's ex-wife is nearing an end. It hasn't been hugely melodramatic but it sure has provided for some pretty frank conversations, not only between Kevin & I but with his family as well.

She has been very brave in contacting him, I think. She has also been very up-front concerning her motives. She has asked for permission regarding contacting him further and about posting pictures of them. So I have to give her credit for respecting some boundaries. Not to say that Kevin hasn't had to thrown up a wall here & there.

To our surprise, she apologized and acknowledged her role in their marriage ending. The most difficult part is that she confirmed that she had cheated on him. That was hard on Kevin, he didn't expect it and wasn't prepared for her brutal honesty.

I had forgotten how broken he was when I first met him and for a moment there, I caught a glimpse of that man. It made me feel more affectionate toward him actually. I would have assumed I would be doing the "Sucks to be You" dance to his ex-wife but I don't feel that at all.

I pity her and I don't say that lightly. She has realized finally, after twenty years, how badly she screwed up. That's got to sting a little.

My brother-in-law (who knows her) and my nephew are adamant that she has ulterior motives. I've read her messages and I don't get that vibe from her. She could, of course, surprise us but if she does then we will deal with that when it happens.

I believe that there is a small percentage of her that wants/needs/hopes to be a part of Kevin's family again and I believe that she knows it will never happen. Kevin would never allow it anyway. Holy Hell, I would lose my mind as well.

All in all, Kevin is relieved and while not "happy" that he has reconciled with her, he is content. He was given the gift of an opportunity to say all the things that he didn't get to say in the past. He got the chance to brag about how great his life is now. Finally, he got reassurance that things happen for a reason and Karma does indeed happen.

Moving on, all of us.

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