As mentioned before, I have no religious affiliation. The first church I went to was the Church of Nazarene. I went there with my brother because it was in the neighborhood, not because there was any religion allowed in the house. Any religious education I’ve received has been self sought and self taught.
As a child, I also attended summer bible school at a Presbyterian church. I went to church with catholic friends. I've faithfully attended both Lutheran and Christian Reformed churches as an adult. According to's Beliefometer, I might be Jewish. According to a game on Facebook, I am agnostic.
I guess one could say that I've cherry-picked my religious beliefs.
When I was small, I used to play with Fisher Price Little People. That is often how I imagined God when I was a child. Now, I can also picture him like Bruce Almighty, with a never-ending email list of prayers and requests.
I read bible passages every day in my email. Music is my church choir, be it Josh Turner singing about "Me and God" or U2 singing about anything. I talk to God when I'm angry, when I'm sad, and when I'm happy. He would probably appreciate me shutting up some days.
I believe in guidance but not in blind following. I don't need a building, or a book, or a person to tell me who or how to be. It's solely my decision and it's going to be solely my responsibility in the end.
I love Max Lucado and Robert Fulguhm but I also love Howard Stern and Lewis Black. They aren’t mutually exclusive. I can listen to Eminem and Christmas carols. I know the verses equally.
A few other random beliefs:
I believe in a pastor that will have us over for dinner and go for a ride in a racecar. I believe in a pastor that admits he'd rather be fishing too.
I think the church is the perfect place to blast "Come Together" by the Beatles.
I believe fellowship can be found anywhere. I am not a heathen because I don't enter four hallowed walls every Sunday.
I believe that you don't have to check in with God only on Sunday. He doesn't keep office hours.
I love that the Da Vinci Code freaked out the Vatican. Even if people didn't believe the premise, it made them think.
I believe in the God that deals in love and forgiveness, not in fear and hate.
I see God in the eyes of a child or an elderly person. I see God in the sunset. I see God when someone holds the door open for you at the store.
I think we do pass over to another place. Every thing in life is cyclical, why not death?
I believe in some form of the Devil. There is no other explanation for cancer, mental illness and addiction. Those things are hell on earth.
I believe in swearing, but not taking the Lord’s name in vain. You can’t use his name to damn the broken sink and then ask him to help fix it. But I do think he can appreciate a good curse when the pipe breaks.
I think the Catholic Church and Scientology are corporations, not religions. I believe Jehovah's Witnesses are just mean, angry people that use religion to make it a way of life. I am incredulous that anyone could practice any of those religions.
However, no matter what religion exists, there will always be extremists.
I am pro-choice, but don't believe in abortion as birth control.
I am pro-death penalty but only with DNA evidence.
I believe Pot should be legal but not glorified.
I am not anti-gun, I am anti-weapon. There is no reason to own an AK-47.
I believe in civil rights but stereotypes are there for a reason.
I believe sex offenders should be locked up forever. Period.
I believe if you go to a church that has to be held in an auditorium or stadium you are going to a performance, not a church service.
Why are there protests outside abortion clinics and not IVF Clinics? Isn’t each one acting as God in some way?
Why do they always say "The bible says Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve"? Why not Ada and Eve? Why is it whenever someone has issues with homosexuality, it is usually regarding men?
The 10 Commandments does not address homosexuality but it sure says "Do Not Judge" pretty clearly.
Who do atheists talk to in the middle of the night? Who do they ask for right before the car crash?
If the answer is No One, then that's really very sad. And difficult to believe.
I believe God has a sense of humor. I believe he does things sometimes just to f#$% with people. I believe God doesn't like arrogance and he will eventually step on your head for it.
I believe in spirits, angels or whatever you choose to call them. I’ve had too many cosmic gentle nudges to deny their existence.
I believe God puts people in our paths for specific reasons, good and bad. Everything happens for a reason, whether we like it or not.
Simply put: I believe.
And this is why we are friends...
Amen Sister!!!
xo Wendy
Well, speaking as your atheist friend.....I think this is just awesome. Thank you.
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