Kevin is gone all weekend, working on a project. I thought I would just have a relaxing weekend, with nothing big planned. Maybe paint, maybe not. Watch a movie, read.
With that, I usually do all my chores (housework) on Fridays so I have the weekend to do whatever. Because Kevin was going to be gone, and frankly I just didn't have the energy, I skipped it. I figured I'd do it over the weekend.
With that and because of the alphabet brain, this isn't a big deal. Most people would never notice that I had skipped chores. Well, I had also let the laundry pile up a bit. This is very unusual because after having no power for four days years ago, my PTSD will not allow it. Except for this weekend.
And the universe laughed at me. Silly mortal.
Now let's add that I can't get the bathroom sink to clear. I've tried everything, Kevin has tried, and no. I did manage to get it to flow better then it stopped. I have time on my hands, I will try again I thought. I started the laundry and went to work under the sink.
This requires a towel because no matter how careful I am, there's always water. I had a hand towel and an old bath towel down. Upon taking everything apart and cleaning it with the little tool, nothing was improved. I put everything back and it was WORSE. Wtaf. I decided I would leave it and Kevin could look at it tomorrow. Clearly, I had put something back together incorrectly or something.
Then I checked on the laundry. Nope. The washer stopped. Of course it did. It threw a code so I searched it and it said the drain was blocked. Now this has become a Kevin problem. The interwebs assured me that this wasn't a big deal. The interwebs lies.
About 6:00 Kevin phoned and said he was on his way and apologized that it took so long. "What's happening there?" he asked. 9/10 times the answer is "nothing". Today was "Well, it appears I have broken the house. I can't unclog the sink and now it won't drain and the washer stopped working."
He immediately went to 1,000 because all he heard was two things weren't draining. I assured him that it wasn't a drain issue, it was a coincidence. All the while, hoping it was indeed, a coincidence. But the other sinks drained, the tub, the toilets. It wasn't a drain issue.
I'm bailing out the washer and throwing soaking towels into the tub when he came home. "I'm going to fix the sink..." he said. I stood there like...wut? But okay. I realized that he needed to make sure that we didn't need a plumber because our plumbing was broken. Because that is exactly how this year has gone for us.
He took apart a piece that I hadn't that was near the floor of the cabinet. And...retch. There was the plug. I offered to switch him places because I don't ick out as badly as he does. Also, that meant he would go look at the washer, which was more important to me.
He has a thing about "letting" girls do gross jobs. Even though I know he'd rather go to the dentist than clear that clog, he told me no. I wasn't disappointed. I went back to bailing and wringing towels.
Once he fixed the sink, he came out to look at the washer. I showed him the google search and he went to work. He pulled out the washer then jumped behind it. He took off the back of the washer looked nothing like the internet said it would.
One of his best friends used to work at Sears when it was still a thing. He reluctantly called him and asked for help. To my relief, he said to do the same thing that the interwebs did. He also suggested (literally) unplugging it and plugging it back in. I had already done that. Twice. He had Kevin check one more thing then asked us to run it on a different cycle then let him know if it helped. We did and...nope. Then we got the "It's probably more expensive to repair than to just replace it." I flipped him off but said "Thanks for your help!" (remember, he's on the phone)
It feels like Kevin asked simultaneously "How much does a washer cost?" and "I hate to ask but what are you thinking about dinner?" Sensing a shift in the ether, he said "I don't care, you can make eggs. Cereal. I'm going to go shower..."
I cleaned up the mess in the mud room as best as I could with a broken washer in the middle of it. Then started dinner and tried not to swirl the metaphorical drain myself. Kevin came out from the shower and said that his friend wanted him to check one more thing. Back behind the washer he goes, we try it, it doesn't work, and now the washer is full of water again.
I returned to making dinner and Kevin went out to his shop. He came back with buckets and asked for help. I started to gesture toward dinner like "DO YOU SEE THIS" but refrained because it's not his fault for trying to help when I had broken everything in the house. #melodrama
We took out ten gallons of water then called it a night. We ate dinner then I got onto the interwebs again to search for washers. No one keeps appliances in stock now, in case you're wondering. I checked a local store and while they were closed, the site said they had them in stock. Fantastic. When do they open? 11:00 am. Sigh. But at least they had one and it wasn't terribly expensive.
KEvin offered to phone the siblings to see if they would let us do two loads of laundry. I said no, because if one thing went wrong it would be my fault FOREVER. He tried to deny that but then just couldn't. "We'll save that until tomorrow" he says. Answer will still be no tomorrow, Kev.
Finally we went to bed and Kevin was almost immediately asleep. Love that for him. My brain is trying to find traction, what can I do in the morning to be ready for this. Is there anything else we can do. Certainly, this isn't a new problem.
I realized that I can hand wash clothing. It's been done for centuries. While not fun and not even in my Top 100 Ways I Like to Spend My Time, it was better than what-felt-like a disaster I had on my hands. It's 11:00 pm and I'm googling "How to wash laundry without a washer." You know, just in case there were new developments since the 1700's. There wasn't but at least I felt like I had a plan. I went to sleep thinking how I could prioritize what needed washing, what could go next door if I chose to ask, and what could wait. It is super fun living in my brain.
Oh and this is where I also realized that there shouldn't be that much water in the wash and perhaps it wasn't just a drain issue. #causeandeffect
Kevin left the next morning at 6:30. I woke up momentarily but thankfully fell back asleep. About an hour later, my alphabet brain started yelling at me about laundry. I got up, made coffee, and contemplated My Plan. Once coffee was started, I emptied a tote and let it start to fill with soapy water. I had to deal with the wet towels from the night before first. In they went into the soapy water for 30 minutes. I took my coffee, a brownie, and the dog and went back to bed. I turned on NCIS so I wouldn't get caught up in a movie and distracted.
Wet towels are the worst to wring out. The worst. This is where I explain that my preference in towels tends toward a cozy rug. I want them thick and heavy. Kevin tends toward "This is the towel I had when I moved out of the house when I was 18." One by one, I took the towels out of the soapy water, wrung them the best I could, carried them to the kitchen sink, then rinsed them.
My hands hurt, I don't think I have fingerprints anymore, and that was really hard work. At one point, I said aloud "This is the WORST" then laughed at my own self. Trying to balance karma immediately, I said "No, no, this is bad but it's not the worst. There are many worst things."
I did the best I could then put them in the dryer. I was a little worried that they weren't wrung enough and I was right. It took forever for them to dry. And it caused a little catastrophasing of "Now the dryer is broken." Eventually they dried and I could see and feel where perhaps the washing machine had been not working well for a while.
Next I did the "easy" clothes: socks, underwear, yoga pants, tshirts. This went much easier but wringing them still made me wish for one of those old-fashioned wringers that essentially strangled all the water out of the clothes. Finally the dryer finished the towels, I started the color clothes then tried to psych myself up for more towels.
I realized that I didn't need towels, per se. I needed wash cloths and hand towels. My first instinct was "They sell those at the store every day" then I tempered that with "Well, that applies for every single item I'm washing so..." I washed just the hand towels and wash cloths.
The store texted me to confirm that the washer I wanted was in store. I replied "I will be there in an hour." Then he clarified: "Do you want top load or front load?" I answered "Top load, preferably but beggars cannot be choosers." They had both and they were waiting for me.
I showered, feeling bad about creating More Laundry, and loaded up Lucy. I phoned Kevin to let him know and he was relieved as well. I bought the washer after a little debate and went to pick it up. This is how I had to get it:
Thank the universe for the back-up camera and a husband who drove dump truck teaching me how to back up |
Okay, so now that was done. I began to pull out of the loading dock when I saw that I missed a call. I assumed it was going to be Kevin. It was not. It was my father-in-law. I was immediately curious because the siblings are home. I phoned him and he asked if we still had his hand truck. Weird. "Yeah, it's in your old shed." He asked if we could bring it to him when I got home. Puzzled still, I said Yeah but what are you moving?" He stopped then tried to verbalize but his cognitive delays wouldn't allow him to form the thought. Somehow the universe whispered in my ear. "Did you mean Mom's WALKER?" Relieved, he said yes. Well, it's kind of a hand truck, for people.
About THAT: the doctor told him that fall prevention is A PRIORITY. He cannot fall and remain living. So, in answer to that he just about fell outside this morning while I was gone. The siblings yelled at him and this was him being contrite.
Now I'm home, hoping it doesn't rain before Kevin gets home. In the olden days, my father-in-law would have this done by the time Kevin got home but this is where we are now. The last load of hand-washing is in the dryer. All that remains is still more bath towels, jeans and bedding.
And I'm still not sure that the dryer isn't dying.