I didn't hate CEC. I assumed the pizza would be total crap and it was. It was expensive, which is a shame. I am impressed with the way they patrol the entryway so that kids are safe. There was only one boy being a douche but a look or comment would send him scurrying away. Oh, and there was a Down Syndrome boy about four years old charming tokens out of everyone. I enjoyed him a lot. And yes, he got some tokens out of Kevin.
I liked the variety of things to do. The games were varied and they could run around it they needed to. The only thing I would change is the freaking "entertainment". The CEC television channel made me want to gouge out my ears. I left with the CEC version of Justin Bieber in my head.
Oh, remember when Robin Williams told the story about taking his son to Disneyland and the son losing his sh&t at the sight of the life-sized Mickey. "A six foot effing rat"? Totally experienced that last night. One of the littles were unimpressed with CEC but with lots of coaxing he high-fived him then buried his face into Kevin's pantleg. And the girl little kept referring to the animatronic CEC as "the monster" but it sounded like "lobster" which made me laugh all night. And she wasn't wrong.
The first thing I did with the kids was the portrait drawing thing...where it takes your picture then sketches & prints it. I did it with C2 and it turned out really well. Then one of the littles grabbed me to do it with him. He's so small it took some lifting & giggling to make his happen.
One of the littles is all about the games. He's a freaking rock star on anything that requires hand eye coordination. You'd think he was a school-ager instead of being four.
C'mon now. Seriously, how cute is he? and there's three of them!
The girl little is all about the tickets. She doesn't care about the tokens or games, she wants the tickets. Of course, she has no idea what the tickets are for but she's happy and that's all that matters. She had piggy tails and her mom said "It's because then I have two opportunities to grab her when she's running around."
C1, the birthday boy, likes games of skill or physical talent. He turned 9 and is becoming that awkward age where you're not big and you're not little. He was the perfect child while opening gifts. He took his time, acknowledged the givers, and didn't one time act like an ingrate about a present.
I'm telling you: the kids are angels from above. The only meltdown was one of the littles wanted it to be his birthday, rightfully so. We helped, a little, by talking about their birthday being near Kevin's and how we were going to have a party. But he still wanted it to be his birthday. (:-D
Even the big boys had a good time
That sketching machine is my favorite thing in the whole place! We have a picture of William and his best friend Clarissa from two and a half years ago and it's still on our fridge!
the tickets are a joke. serioulsy? you need elebenty billion to get something that is rap? you'd think w/ the advancement in entertainment/technology, cec would abandon that whole stuffed, animitronic band thing. creepy and awful. i like the skee ball games there, and of course centipede : )
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