It’s tradition! The New Years Meme!
1. What
did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before?
We didn’t go racing this year, which was strange but we
really enjoyed the time at home.
2. Did
you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I did,
sorta, kinda, sorta. The appliance
finally were replaced. Now the stove is
giving me the side-eye so I suspect it is next.
Microwave that is ten years old and never quite worked right? Totally still
here. It will be next.
CD’s are
culled by me and only partially by Kevin, who is surprisingly nostalgic about
Write daily…well,
that was a big, fat Nope. There’s always
next year, which is bound to be better than the last few years.
resolutions for 2015:
1. I’m seeing some old habits creep in that I’m
not enjoying. I’m going to stick to a consistent
work schedule, walk to the mailbox more, make an effort to read and write.
2. Write it an email, a tweet, a post, something.
3. Get off
of milk entirely, which is riddling me with anxiety. I have to find a cream substitute for my
3. Did
anyone close to you give birth?
Yes! A close friend had a baby boy named after a
classmate (her brother-in-law) who passed in 1988. Also, new nephew due any minute now!
4. Did
anyone close to you die?
Not close
to us, but we’ve reached the age where people are passing at a more regular
rate. I do not enjoy.
5. What
countries did you visit?
"Oh Canada, our
home and native land.."
6. What
would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?
Family Members (a sad repeat from past years)
7. What
dates from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
This is odd
but it’s a repeat: My last day at my work at the job I hated. I was using a cane but if I could have
SKIPPED out of there, I totally would have.
I’m continually surprised at how unhappy I was there.
8. What
was your biggest achievement of the year?
again. After getting all my bionics
removed, I was a little hesitant. But
now it’s almost like nothing happened. I
can jog a tiny bit even.
9. What
was your biggest failure?
Yikes, I am
unsure. Not keeping in better touch with
friends, I think. I always have the best
intentions and the worst attention.
10. Did you
suffer illness or injury?
I had the
most horrible cold from November 22 to just before Christmas. I can now go illness free through 2016. I never, never, never get sick.
11. What
was the best thing you bought?
Oooh, without sounding all hair-flippy, new washer & dryer &
dishwasher, new flooring through the entire house, new furniture, and now new
kitchen lighting.
Whose behavior merited celebration?
mother-in-law, the chick tried to die twice this year and is still here. I’m
beginning to think she’s indestructible.
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Two family
members with untreated mental illness (two different branches of the
families) while I can recognize that it’s the
mental illness, I can’t seem to justify their behavior or want to spend time with them.
Where did most of your money go?
As mentioned above, home improvements.
I’m surprised at how happy it has made me.
15. What
did you get really excited about?
fantastic job that follows school districts schedules. Snow days and regular
16. What
song will always remind you of 2015?
Kick the Dust Up…Luke Bryan.
Riding in a big Dodge, with Kevin on our trip to Winthrop.
17. Compared
to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? I’m happier, for sure.
thinner or fatter? Same-ish
– richer
or poorer? About the same
18. What
do you wish you’d done more of?
Write, I’m
feeling the anxiety of not doing it.
19. What
do you wish you’d done less of?
Spend time
in hospitals.
20. How
did you spend Christmas?
Eve - at my
Day - Next
door, immersed in children's excitement and food
21. Did
you fall in love in 2015?
Every day.
22. What
was your favorite TV program?
I always
have a difficult time choosing favorites. Doctor Who, Bones, Fixer Upper.
23. Do
you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
No. I'm not
a hater. It's a waste of time
24. What
was the best book you read?
Humans of New York. I’m a little obsessed. I also have Stories of Humans of New York.
25. What
was your greatest musical discovery?
Prime Music.
26. What
did you want and get?
My dream
27. What
did you want and not get?
I am
pleased to say that I can’t think of anything.
28. What
was your favorite film of this year?
Divergent. I am surprised how much I liked it. Also, not a 2015 film but I’m catching up.
29. What
did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
47. I was still sick so I slept in, we went to
breakfast and shopping then we crashed and watched Flip or Flop all evening.
30. What
one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
31. How
would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015?
Hoodies. Cords. Boots.
(because I can wear them now!)
32. What
kept you sane?
Kevin. Lucy. Television.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Trevor Noah, Jon Stewarts replacement.
Wicked smart and funny.
34. What
political issue stirred you the most?
of gay marriage.
35. Who
did you miss?
My former
36. Who
was the best new person you met?
There are
two and they’re both co-workers. Erin
and Anne. They’re both fantastic people
who I hope to be friends with forever.
37. Tell
us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2015.
Just be patient. (I’m never good at this.)
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