06 July 2023

It's Only the Sixth

 It's Thursday afternoon here in the lovely PNW, where it feels like the temperature of the sun outside.  We mossy and algae based human life forms are mostly not enjoying this.

So, of course, we're trying to grow grass right now. On Mars.

I was just outside watering for the eleventieth time and thinking about how tired my brain is.  Not so much my body, but the jello bits inside of my skull are all "Nap, please".

What's been going on? you might be thinking.  I'm not even sure where to start.

The reason for the growing grass is because we had a septic system service and inspection go a little sideways last week.  This caused the middle of the yard to be dug up, to the depth of four feet in some places.  

Then there was the holiday where the father's dog took off at 10:00 pm and wasn't to be found.  That will be it's own post because it's EPIC.  That word is overused these days but trust me.

Then the morning of the fifth, I had to go into my old office for a planning meeting.  I was CERTAIN they were going to demand a return to office; especially spotting a newly formed cubicle upon entering the office.  I am Beyond Relieved to say that I will most likely be Work From Home for the duration.  Whew.

Then, I had to go get a blood draw, the second in seven days.  Not to worry, there was just a weird reading that we can assuredly chalk up to *waving of hands* Everything That is Going On Right Now.  And it's totally fine but I am a hard stick so they had to take it from my hand but not before bruising both of my arms (one arm the first time, other arm the second time)

Oh, and that also included meeting a new doctor.  Because why not.

I'm still in the middle of the Great ReOrganization of 2023.  I am in the If You Give A Mouse A Cookie stage of this project where one task creates at least one other task.

THEN it occurred to me that "Hey, it's Thursday afternoon.  Mom's memorial is Sunday." and then the panicked realization that I hadn't created a program yet.  Let alone have it printed.  Thank all the gods that I have graphic design skills and a general idea of what I wanted.  I'm now waiting for the proof so I can approve it and pick them up tomorrow.

I still have to order prints of photos of her for the display.  In my alphabet brain way, I keep telling myself "Oh, that will be easy to do. No worries"  Well, we're at the WORRIES part.  So, of course, I'm sitting here telling all y'all about it instead of doing it.

Oh, and back to my work meeting.  My summer was just shortened as Start Up - prep for the new school year - begins oh....on the eleventh.  SUPER.

And I need a big girl haircut but now I don't have time before the memorial.  I have reached the Choosing My Battles portion of this month.  And it's only the sixth.

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