03 April 2011

Sunday Sunday Sunday

In the off season my favorite kind of Sunday afternoon is spent watching movies and reading.  Today I am watching for the billionth time, Return to Me.  There is not one single thing I would change about this movie, I love it so much. If you haven't seen it, go right now and order it.  You won't be disappointed.

In a little over a month however, my Sunday afternoons will be drastically different.  Racing season will have begun and instead of a quiet afternoon at home, I will be enjoying the exact opposite.  Right now I am looking forward to it although by the end of the season I will be longing for a quiet Sunday.

I spent equal time with the couch and my office today.  I have gotten out of the habit of working in my office now that I have the broadband internet and my writing has reflected it.  Today I spent filing.  I am usually highly organized but in the past few years I just didn't have the energy or attention span.  Now everything is where it belongs, which is a comforting feeling.    I also did the purge and burnt a bunch of paperwork, a very cathartic exercise that I recommend to anyone who lives out in the country like I do.

It's important to take time to wind down. The mind & body need the quiet to sort itself out.  It may just be me but I need time to just stare blankly and do nothing. One would think with the ADD this wasn't possible but I say Because Of  I need it. 

Today I can say Mission Accomplished. 

How about you? how do you relax?

1 comment:

creative kerfuffle said...

is return to me the one w/ minnie driver and it's about a heart transplant?
i love the type of sundays your having frankly. that's how i relax too. i recently watched a movie...love and other drugs. yeah...anne hathaway really bared herself in this movie...much, much different than ella enchanted! LOL