Exhibit A:

I subscribe to entirely too many magazines. I try to cull through them over the weekend or when Kevin is watching something I am not interested in....Spartacus or UFC, which then I end up being interested in also so *thwarted*...
My magazine interests are schizophrenic. Seriously. Look closely at the picture, what do you see? Oprah, Real Simple, Time, National Dragster, The Week. What you can't see is: More, Time, Newsweek, TV Guide, House Beautiful, Redbook, etc. etc.
Kevin gets every car magazine that exists. I just ordered one more last week, just in case. The problem with his magazines are they are expensive. Mine are less expensive, or so I tell myself.
Because if you do the math, amount of subscriptions - the more expensive yet limited subscriptions = holy crap, I need to stop subscribing to every magazine that catches my attention.
I can't even choose a favorite. I love Vanity Fair but I have to be alert & smart to read it. I like The Week because it is a conglomeration of all the news magazines thus technically rendering Time & Newsweek worthless. (yet I still subscribe) People and Entertainment Weekly I usually read on Friday nights when my brain simply cannot accept any more meaningful information.
What's my point, you're wondering. Clearly print media is not dead in this house. Or maybe it is because it's all HERE.
To my credit, I do take all the magazines into work to share. So actually, my issue is altruistic. Yeah, that's it.
What magazines do you read?
I used to subscribe to People Magazine and US Weekly. Then I dropped US Weekly because it was so similar to People. Then I dropped People because I wasn't recognizing the celebrities anymore. But this past week I resubscribed to People because I was upset that I wouldn't be able to read about the Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy breakup.
I think it's cool that you have so many subscriptions. It means you're well-rounded!
I would love more subscriptions! Send your old ones my way! I used to have Real Simple, People, and InStyle. Now....nothing. Boo. There was just no time to read them all.
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