31 December 2012
30 December 2012
Year in Review Meme
It’s back! The New Years Meme! You should do it too, it’s a fun way to look back on your year.
1. What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before?
Break bones, be in the hospital and on bedrest.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Yes, I believe I did or at the very least looked each of them in the eye:
My resolutions for 2011:
1. Continue cooking more.
2. Continue to simplify, in every way.
3. Try to remember not to enter into melodrama of any kind. I believe Swistle referred to it as jackassery.
My resolutions for 2013:
1. Get debt free (excepting the mortgage) by the end of the year.
2. Figure out this work thing. I’m not feeling it anymore.
3. Be healed.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Nope but a few acquaintances did. Welcome to the world Baby Liam and Baby Emma.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, death didn’t visit us this year.
5. What countries did you visit?
"Oh Canada, our home & native land.."
6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
Healed bones. Savings.
7. What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Snow days with the kids. April 9 & 10 (injury & surgery) Whatever dates I got the cast off and walked.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Walking. No exaggeration.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Falling down the damn stairs
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Oh. My. God.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Plane tickets
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Kevin. He’s been my hero this year
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The entire GOP & it’s brethren
14. Where did most of your money go?
Same as last year: Bills, Racecar, Vegas trip. Books. Mochas!
15. What did you get really excited about?
Walking. Vegas. Christmas with the nephew & monkeys.
16. What song will always remind you of 2012?
Shake It Off - Florence & the Machine
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
– happier or sadder? Happier, in the grand scheme of things.
– thinner or fatter? Same somehow. I think it’s called physical therapy.
– richer or poorer? About the same
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Being on my feet
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Not being on my feet
20. How did you spend Christmas?
Eve - at my parents
Day - Next door, immersed in children's excitement and food
21. Did you fall in love in 2012?
Every day.
22. What was your favorite TV program?
I always have a difficult time choosing favorites. Castle, Big Bang Theory, Parenthood, Scandal, Long Island Medium, Project Runway. OMG: Ghost Whisperer. Greys Anatomy
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
No. I'm not a hater. It's a waste of time
24. What was the best book you read?
The Witness by Nora Roberts.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Eric Church. And installing music on my phone.
26. What did you want and get?
27. What did you want and not get?
A CPSA championship (same as last year)
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
21 Jump Street. Something Borrowed.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
44 and I had lunch with Kevin, went Christmas shopping, & went to my nieces holiday concert
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Being able to stand and/or walk
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
Track pants, sweatshirts, one shoe.
32. What kept you sane?
Mochas. Kevin. Television.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Good Morning America
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
Presidential election. Gay marriage in Washington State. Gun control.
35. Who did you miss?
No one that I don't usually miss.
36. Who was the best new person you met?
Krista, my physical therapist
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012.
Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. Last year I asked for time. Woo buddy, did I get it.
1. What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before?
Break bones, be in the hospital and on bedrest.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Yes, I believe I did or at the very least looked each of them in the eye:
My resolutions for 2011:
1. Continue cooking more.
2. Continue to simplify, in every way.
3. Try to remember not to enter into melodrama of any kind. I believe Swistle referred to it as jackassery.
My resolutions for 2013:
1. Get debt free (excepting the mortgage) by the end of the year.
2. Figure out this work thing. I’m not feeling it anymore.
3. Be healed.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Nope but a few acquaintances did. Welcome to the world Baby Liam and Baby Emma.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, death didn’t visit us this year.
5. What countries did you visit?
"Oh Canada, our home & native land.."
6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
Healed bones. Savings.
7. What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Snow days with the kids. April 9 & 10 (injury & surgery) Whatever dates I got the cast off and walked.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Walking. No exaggeration.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Falling down the damn stairs
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Oh. My. God.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Plane tickets
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Kevin. He’s been my hero this year
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The entire GOP & it’s brethren
14. Where did most of your money go?
Same as last year: Bills, Racecar, Vegas trip. Books. Mochas!
15. What did you get really excited about?
Walking. Vegas. Christmas with the nephew & monkeys.
16. What song will always remind you of 2012?
Shake It Off - Florence & the Machine
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
– happier or sadder? Happier, in the grand scheme of things.
– thinner or fatter? Same somehow. I think it’s called physical therapy.
– richer or poorer? About the same
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Being on my feet
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Not being on my feet
20. How did you spend Christmas?
Eve - at my parents
Day - Next door, immersed in children's excitement and food
21. Did you fall in love in 2012?
Every day.
22. What was your favorite TV program?
I always have a difficult time choosing favorites. Castle, Big Bang Theory, Parenthood, Scandal, Long Island Medium, Project Runway. OMG: Ghost Whisperer. Greys Anatomy
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
No. I'm not a hater. It's a waste of time
24. What was the best book you read?
The Witness by Nora Roberts.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Eric Church. And installing music on my phone.
26. What did you want and get?
27. What did you want and not get?
A CPSA championship (same as last year)
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
21 Jump Street. Something Borrowed.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
44 and I had lunch with Kevin, went Christmas shopping, & went to my nieces holiday concert
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Being able to stand and/or walk
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
Track pants, sweatshirts, one shoe.
32. What kept you sane?
Mochas. Kevin. Television.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Good Morning America
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
Presidential election. Gay marriage in Washington State. Gun control.
35. Who did you miss?
No one that I don't usually miss.
36. Who was the best new person you met?
Krista, my physical therapist
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012.
Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. Last year I asked for time. Woo buddy, did I get it.
24 December 2012
23 December 2012
Santa's Elves Don't Have These Problems
I've spent the day wrapping presents. This is not something I'm good at so it's not necessarily something I *enjoy*. I do enjoy the sense of accomplishment when I'm finished. I do enjoy the image of the presents under the tree as well. I just enjoy it more when Kevin does it.
I'm ahead of schedule this year, go figure. Usually I am still wrapping on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. This isn't a sign of procrastination so much but a result of So Many Kids.
There are a few wrapping challenges this year.
Firstly, I bought a coat again my nephew's wishes for my niece. Revel in it's wonder:
I had to find a nondescript box and use a wrapping paper that none of the other kids presents are wrapped in. The tag will say "From Santa". This will teach the nephew to tell me "No, because she'll ruin it in minutes." As I told Swistle: "That is an invalid argument."
We bought light sabers for the boy littles. The problem being that they came two-to-a-pack. So, do we take them out and wrap a super-awkardly shaped toy? Do we leave it in a box, have the boys open it together, and risk a disagreement over which one they get?
This, I assume, is instant karma for buying the boys such a gift.
My brother-in-law's present is still somewhere in the snowy midwest on an UPS truck. I had to print out a picture of what it's supposed to be with the caption of "Santa is running late but his elves will be dropping this off soon..."
We bought my nephew-in-law a gamefly subscription. How does one wrap an internet subscription? I printed the receipt, the Welcome Email, and a card reading "Two Months gamefly Subscription". I'll have to wrap it in a small, flat box that fortunately I received a present in earlier this week.
The bonus awkward part of this is that my niece has NO FILTER WHATSOEVER and always loudly inappropriately comments upon presents. "He has this one! It's too small! This isn't the right one!" I am cringing in anticipation about this gift.
Along the "somewhere in the snowy midwest" portion of gift ordering, my mom's gift has yet to arrive. It is promised to be here by Christmas day so I'm assuming it will be here tomorrow In the meanwhile, the rest of the present sits unwrapped.
My little brother's gift barely fits in the box I have for it and I have no other boxes. Also: I left his birthday gift home on Thanksgiving, unwrapped and forgotten. Do I try to wrap them together in some yet-to-be-found larger box or wrap them separately? Do I use birthday paper for one and Christmas for the other? Wrap them separately in the same paper? different Christmas paper? This is much too over-thought and difficult. He's 49 years old, I doubt he cares. Although this is the brother that one year the presents are clearly bought on the fly and then another year, they're thought-out and expensive. So, that makes this easier, yes?
Elves don't have these problems. At least not on television.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
I'm ahead of schedule this year, go figure. Usually I am still wrapping on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. This isn't a sign of procrastination so much but a result of So Many Kids.
There are a few wrapping challenges this year.
Firstly, I bought a coat again my nephew's wishes for my niece. Revel in it's wonder:
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Fur, Grover colored purple, fuschia lining. So. Awesome. for a Six & A Half Year Old Girl |
We bought light sabers for the boy littles. The problem being that they came two-to-a-pack. So, do we take them out and wrap a super-awkardly shaped toy? Do we leave it in a box, have the boys open it together, and risk a disagreement over which one they get?
This, I assume, is instant karma for buying the boys such a gift.
My brother-in-law's present is still somewhere in the snowy midwest on an UPS truck. I had to print out a picture of what it's supposed to be with the caption of "Santa is running late but his elves will be dropping this off soon..."
We bought my nephew-in-law a gamefly subscription. How does one wrap an internet subscription? I printed the receipt, the Welcome Email, and a card reading "Two Months gamefly Subscription". I'll have to wrap it in a small, flat box that fortunately I received a present in earlier this week.
The bonus awkward part of this is that my niece has NO FILTER WHATSOEVER and always loudly inappropriately comments upon presents. "He has this one! It's too small! This isn't the right one!" I am cringing in anticipation about this gift.
Along the "somewhere in the snowy midwest" portion of gift ordering, my mom's gift has yet to arrive. It is promised to be here by Christmas day so I'm assuming it will be here tomorrow In the meanwhile, the rest of the present sits unwrapped.
My little brother's gift barely fits in the box I have for it and I have no other boxes. Also: I left his birthday gift home on Thanksgiving, unwrapped and forgotten. Do I try to wrap them together in some yet-to-be-found larger box or wrap them separately? Do I use birthday paper for one and Christmas for the other? Wrap them separately in the same paper? different Christmas paper? This is much too over-thought and difficult. He's 49 years old, I doubt he cares. Although this is the brother that one year the presents are clearly bought on the fly and then another year, they're thought-out and expensive. So, that makes this easier, yes?
Elves don't have these problems. At least not on television.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
17 December 2012
My plan was to write this weekend and schedule posts so that I was once again part of the world and so I didn't have to worry about it over the holidays.
Then Friday happened.
I think everyone will recall for the rest of their lives where they were when they heard the news, much like the Kennedy assassination and 9/11.
I was on the freeway, headed to work. I checked my phone and that was it. All I could do is silently repeat our kids names, as if doing so would undo the loss. But by doing so, it felt like they were safe.
It just didn't feel right to post after Friday. Everything felt frivolous and ridiculous. So, I didn't.
I did, however, spend some time with the kids on Saturday. I hugged them hard, rubbed their backs, played with their hair, and snuggled. I had to purposefully not think of twenty little souls as I did it but knew nonetheless that I was being extra affectionate because of them.
The kids seem blissfully unaware. I hope that they stay that way as they are on winter break now. If only us grownups could be as well.
Then Friday happened.
I think everyone will recall for the rest of their lives where they were when they heard the news, much like the Kennedy assassination and 9/11.
I was on the freeway, headed to work. I checked my phone and that was it. All I could do is silently repeat our kids names, as if doing so would undo the loss. But by doing so, it felt like they were safe.
It just didn't feel right to post after Friday. Everything felt frivolous and ridiculous. So, I didn't.
I did, however, spend some time with the kids on Saturday. I hugged them hard, rubbed their backs, played with their hair, and snuggled. I had to purposefully not think of twenty little souls as I did it but knew nonetheless that I was being extra affectionate because of them.
The kids seem blissfully unaware. I hope that they stay that way as they are on winter break now. If only us grownups could be as well.
14 December 2012
Unimaginable Grief
Sorrow makes us all children again - destroys all differences of intellect.
The wisest know nothing. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
06 December 2012
And Now A Word from Our Sponsors
A few years ago when Kevin was considering racing the car in Las Vegas, Kevin's dad jumped at the opportunity to tow the racecar there. As a lifelong truck driver, retirement was a little boring so he jumped at the chance to travel. The fact that he was taking his son to the big show and watch him compete was a father's dream.
This was a relief to us because we were struggling with taking two weeks off and the daunting task of driving all that way.
We had decals on the car trailer that stated the "team" name, car, and driver name a while before this adventure. I remember ordering them and marveling that we had become one of the big boys that we never thought we could be back-in-the-day.
With the decision to race in Las Vegas we also added the parents name under the "Sponsored by..." before they left for Vegas. It literally, actually made them cry. Kevin's mom said that his dad would always smile when he saw the trailer and that he had bragged to his siblings about it.
This year for Christmas we're giving them a decal for their van that reads "Official Sponsor of ....Racing" I can hardly wait for them to see it. We can't decide if we want to wrap it up or just "install" it on the van.
This is a circuitous route but stay with me...
We are a cash-only couple. We don't have credit cards or car loans. This is a personal choice and also the result of past poor choices. All in all, this is a really good thing. But racing is expensive. Crazy expensive to some (most). However, we don't have children and this is what we do.
If we know something is coming up, we have to save and plan and when things break as they do in racing, it takes some serious planning. It also takes prioritizing. For instance, Kevin works an extra day, sells an extra something, or does a side job. We just make it happen. Other racers have been known to take second mortgages to fund their hobby. This is insanely stupid to me. Most have dedicated credit cards for it. You often hear "I have to pay the card off before I can..." Slightly more responsible but still at risk for making stupid choices.
Kevin decided earlier year that he wanted to step up his program. This means a bigger engine which is a large expense. So he parked the racecar early this season and began to sell parts. He had a solid plan and a timeline of what needed to happen and when.
One evening Kevin's dad called and asked him to come over and that he needed to talk to him. It was kind of late in the evening and Kevin's dad never makes these requests so we immediately worried.
About an hour later, Kevin returned. It turns out that his parents had been saving up and wanted to give Kevin some money toward the engine upgrade. Kevin is fiercely independent and fought against this.
But he has no defense against teary, sentimental parents: "We are your SPONSORS. It says so on the trailer. We haven't done a good job lately and we need and want to do this."
How the hell do you argue with THAT? Who knew that with such a simple decal would bring on such responsibility?
This was a relief to us because we were struggling with taking two weeks off and the daunting task of driving all that way.
We had decals on the car trailer that stated the "team" name, car, and driver name a while before this adventure. I remember ordering them and marveling that we had become one of the big boys that we never thought we could be back-in-the-day.
With the decision to race in Las Vegas we also added the parents name under the "Sponsored by..." before they left for Vegas. It literally, actually made them cry. Kevin's mom said that his dad would always smile when he saw the trailer and that he had bragged to his siblings about it.
This year for Christmas we're giving them a decal for their van that reads "Official Sponsor of ....Racing" I can hardly wait for them to see it. We can't decide if we want to wrap it up or just "install" it on the van.
This is a circuitous route but stay with me...
We are a cash-only couple. We don't have credit cards or car loans. This is a personal choice and also the result of past poor choices. All in all, this is a really good thing. But racing is expensive. Crazy expensive to some (most). However, we don't have children and this is what we do.
If we know something is coming up, we have to save and plan and when things break as they do in racing, it takes some serious planning. It also takes prioritizing. For instance, Kevin works an extra day, sells an extra something, or does a side job. We just make it happen. Other racers have been known to take second mortgages to fund their hobby. This is insanely stupid to me. Most have dedicated credit cards for it. You often hear "I have to pay the card off before I can..." Slightly more responsible but still at risk for making stupid choices.
Kevin decided earlier year that he wanted to step up his program. This means a bigger engine which is a large expense. So he parked the racecar early this season and began to sell parts. He had a solid plan and a timeline of what needed to happen and when.
One evening Kevin's dad called and asked him to come over and that he needed to talk to him. It was kind of late in the evening and Kevin's dad never makes these requests so we immediately worried.
About an hour later, Kevin returned. It turns out that his parents had been saving up and wanted to give Kevin some money toward the engine upgrade. Kevin is fiercely independent and fought against this.
But he has no defense against teary, sentimental parents: "We are your SPONSORS. It says so on the trailer. We haven't done a good job lately and we need and want to do this."
How the hell do you argue with THAT? Who knew that with such a simple decal would bring on such responsibility?
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Not a great picture but gives you an example.This is me following Kevin, just outside of Mission, BC. |
01 December 2012
Live Blogging Saturday
6:00 am...blearily send Kevin off to work
6:03 am...go back to bed. FTLOG
9:36 am...wake up because the television is playing Ghost Rider 2 and OMG
9:30 am...Coffee and chocolate donut holes (a.k.a. "the will to live") while watching news-lite: Good Morning America Saturday
10:30 am...begin feeling guilty that I am unshowered, with chickenhead, still in pajamas.
Sidebar: the house is a disaster, by my standards and probably most at this point:
Decorated Christmas tree with the open box still nearby.
A schizophrenic mix of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations throughout the living room & kitchen.
House hasn't been properly cleaned since before we left on our trip.
10:35 am...Shower. (also: "the will to live")
10:45 am...Cutting my bangs, because this is a *GREAT IDEA* when tired and overwhelmed.
11:00 am...Can't decide where to start so, you know, blogging.
11:15 am...Kevin calls to check in. I confess that I don't know where to begin (he responds: "With all the Christmas sh*t, you mean?" He is So Santa's elf) But leave out all of the above. Because husbands that work six days a week, ten hours a day are not sympathetic with the plights of a lazy housewife. lol.
11:30 am...going with Swistle's Drop in the Bucket theory this morning. Laundry started. Dishes in dishwasher (but can't start it because the refrigerator needs emptying and the garbage out so stalled.) Bed stripped.
11:35 am...Trimmed bangs are okay, so far.
11:36 am...You know what's a good idea? trying to solve a pillow problem on our bed, which includes dissassembling a headboard.
12:12 pm...Kevin calls to say the truck is ready. (Oh yes, the clutch went out. The day AFTER the television adventure. Did I forget to mention that because YEAH.) This means two things: riding with my father-in-law, who *GOD BLESS HIM* is a Whistler and going to my former husbands neighborhood and PAST his house. This is not anxiety making. at. all.
12:15 pm...bed reassembled. We won't know the success level until tomorrow morning. Laundry progressing nicely. Know what's not-awesome about safety gear? It's light colored. Excavation work is not known to be delicate and clean. Thus equaling stock in Spray & Wash with Resolve.
12:18 pm...lunch. Oh, I forgot to give the dog breakfast. Well done me. If I give her a treat, she won't tell Kevin. Maybe. She promises nothing.
1:29 pm...bathrooms done except the floors. Laundry still progressing. Yukky garbage out, I am grateful that is usually Kevin's chore. I even made the time to fold up all my summer wear and store them in our suitcase.
So, essentially, I'm halfway done.
1:31 pm...remember when we were in Vegas?
1:42 pm...Oh the facebook. Such a good time waster.
1:56 pm...Strange milestone: stood on a tall stool to water and trim plants for the first time in almost eight months. Yea me!
1:58 pm...Halloween & Thanksgiving decorations in the office AND the calendar page turned. Now it's really getting crazy up in here.
2:03 pm...Speaking of crazy. I'm pretty certain I turned off the bedroom television when I left the room and now it's on. Yes, you're very funny, Dad. Now knock it off.
2:32 pm...Tree officially finished. I'm not sure what "officially finished" means but there you go. Extra decorations are going to the kids. I really need to stop buying ornaments. Really.
2:35 pm...Game is upped. I have to leave with the in-laws in twenty minutes. What can I do in that time? Let's just see!!!
Ate yogurt, drank water, and changed clothes
Dusted and polished in the living room and dining room table.
Resented having to leave the house.
4:45 Back again.
4:50 pm...vacuuming. It feels like I'm not never vacuuming. I am just as resentful as the dog at this point.
5:05 pm...mopping. The whole house smells like PineSol. Not exactly the Christmasy scent but at least it has "pine" in the title.
5:30 pm...Kevin went next door. I've avoided it all I can: time to put the office back together after Monica's Closet vomited Christmas decorations all over it. Plus the addition of the gigantic television box and uncomfortable recliner.
5:31 pm...Dog is displeased that I am in her room and touching her stuff.
5:45 pm...Cannot find my childhood Santa lamp. Cannot find it. Defcon 10 has been reached. Oh, look up, it's stored on a shelf above my head. All is calm again. Santa has been found. I repeat: Santa has been found.
6:00 pm...Dinner is ready next door.
7:15 pm...Back again. Untangled Christmas lights on kitchen floor. Bop dog in the nose with the plug-in. Again: she is displeased. My punishment shall be her lying in the way of everything.
7:35 pm...Lights are up on the back door and deck. Once again, stood on something to reach. I am enjoying this new skill!
7:56 pm...I think I'm done. Everything is done except one last load of laundry. It can't be started until I'm done with my bath. That's right: bath. I've so earned a soak in my huge tub.
Sidebar: the last time I used the tub was shortly after I got out my cast. I got in with very little confidence of getting back out. Kevin was in Canada at the time. I am not the smartest girl. I did, however, come to the conclusion that I should wait awhile before trying again. Almost six months later seems like a reasonable amount of time.
8:15 pm...Distracted by the last set of Christmas lights. I detangled all of them, just to discover that the last third were out. I guess Kevin has a(nother) project tomorrow.
8:20 pm...Daunted by the thought of waiting to draw a bath and opt for a long shower instead.
8:40 pm...Start the last load of laundry. It is never ending.
8:44 pm...Finishing this off so I can go sit down. The house is clean and frocked. The truck has returned home. I didn't have to cook. Now I'm going to watch something on our big theatre of a television.
And to all a Good Night.
6:03 am...go back to bed. FTLOG
9:36 am...wake up because the television is playing Ghost Rider 2 and OMG
9:30 am...Coffee and chocolate donut holes (a.k.a. "the will to live") while watching news-lite: Good Morning America Saturday
10:30 am...begin feeling guilty that I am unshowered, with chickenhead, still in pajamas.
Sidebar: the house is a disaster, by my standards and probably most at this point:
Decorated Christmas tree with the open box still nearby.
A schizophrenic mix of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations throughout the living room & kitchen.
House hasn't been properly cleaned since before we left on our trip.
10:35 am...Shower. (also: "the will to live")
10:45 am...Cutting my bangs, because this is a *GREAT IDEA* when tired and overwhelmed.
11:00 am...Can't decide where to start so, you know, blogging.
11:15 am...Kevin calls to check in. I confess that I don't know where to begin (he responds: "With all the Christmas sh*t, you mean?" He is So Santa's elf) But leave out all of the above. Because husbands that work six days a week, ten hours a day are not sympathetic with the plights of a lazy housewife. lol.
11:30 am...going with Swistle's Drop in the Bucket theory this morning. Laundry started. Dishes in dishwasher (but can't start it because the refrigerator needs emptying and the garbage out so stalled.) Bed stripped.
11:35 am...Trimmed bangs are okay, so far.
11:36 am...You know what's a good idea? trying to solve a pillow problem on our bed, which includes dissassembling a headboard.
12:12 pm...Kevin calls to say the truck is ready. (Oh yes, the clutch went out. The day AFTER the television adventure. Did I forget to mention that because YEAH.) This means two things: riding with my father-in-law, who *GOD BLESS HIM* is a Whistler and going to my former husbands neighborhood and PAST his house. This is not anxiety making. at. all.
12:15 pm...bed reassembled. We won't know the success level until tomorrow morning. Laundry progressing nicely. Know what's not-awesome about safety gear? It's light colored. Excavation work is not known to be delicate and clean. Thus equaling stock in Spray & Wash with Resolve.
12:18 pm...lunch. Oh, I forgot to give the dog breakfast. Well done me. If I give her a treat, she won't tell Kevin. Maybe. She promises nothing.
1:29 pm...bathrooms done except the floors. Laundry still progressing. Yukky garbage out, I am grateful that is usually Kevin's chore. I even made the time to fold up all my summer wear and store them in our suitcase.
So, essentially, I'm halfway done.
1:31 pm...remember when we were in Vegas?
1:42 pm...Oh the facebook. Such a good time waster.
1:56 pm...Strange milestone: stood on a tall stool to water and trim plants for the first time in almost eight months. Yea me!
1:58 pm...Halloween & Thanksgiving decorations in the office AND the calendar page turned. Now it's really getting crazy up in here.
2:03 pm...Speaking of crazy. I'm pretty certain I turned off the bedroom television when I left the room and now it's on. Yes, you're very funny, Dad. Now knock it off.
2:32 pm...Tree officially finished. I'm not sure what "officially finished" means but there you go. Extra decorations are going to the kids. I really need to stop buying ornaments. Really.
2:35 pm...Game is upped. I have to leave with the in-laws in twenty minutes. What can I do in that time? Let's just see!!!
Ate yogurt, drank water, and changed clothes
Dusted and polished in the living room and dining room table.
Resented having to leave the house.
4:45 Back again.
4:50 pm...vacuuming. It feels like I'm not never vacuuming. I am just as resentful as the dog at this point.
5:05 pm...mopping. The whole house smells like PineSol. Not exactly the Christmasy scent but at least it has "pine" in the title.
5:30 pm...Kevin went next door. I've avoided it all I can: time to put the office back together after Monica's Closet vomited Christmas decorations all over it. Plus the addition of the gigantic television box and uncomfortable recliner.
5:31 pm...Dog is displeased that I am in her room and touching her stuff.
5:45 pm...Cannot find my childhood Santa lamp. Cannot find it. Defcon 10 has been reached. Oh, look up, it's stored on a shelf above my head. All is calm again. Santa has been found. I repeat: Santa has been found.
6:00 pm...Dinner is ready next door.
7:15 pm...Back again. Untangled Christmas lights on kitchen floor. Bop dog in the nose with the plug-in. Again: she is displeased. My punishment shall be her lying in the way of everything.
7:35 pm...Lights are up on the back door and deck. Once again, stood on something to reach. I am enjoying this new skill!
7:56 pm...I think I'm done. Everything is done except one last load of laundry. It can't be started until I'm done with my bath. That's right: bath. I've so earned a soak in my huge tub.
Sidebar: the last time I used the tub was shortly after I got out my cast. I got in with very little confidence of getting back out. Kevin was in Canada at the time. I am not the smartest girl. I did, however, come to the conclusion that I should wait awhile before trying again. Almost six months later seems like a reasonable amount of time.
8:15 pm...Distracted by the last set of Christmas lights. I detangled all of them, just to discover that the last third were out. I guess Kevin has a(nother) project tomorrow.
8:20 pm...Daunted by the thought of waiting to draw a bath and opt for a long shower instead.
8:40 pm...Start the last load of laundry. It is never ending.
8:44 pm...Finishing this off so I can go sit down. The house is clean and frocked. The truck has returned home. I didn't have to cook. Now I'm going to watch something on our big theatre of a television.
And to all a Good Night.
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