11 September 2014


Okay, this job search thing: OMG

One of the posts for an office administrator requested a PHOTO.  Yep, a photo of the applicant.  Yeah, so not doing that.  So, so, so illegal.  I really don't want to work for a company that has those kind of expectations so thank you, universe, for allowing that to happen.

Another posting requested a resume, a handwritten cover letter (I get that), and... a wait for it... a TONY ROBBINS PERSONALITY SCREENING.  I know, RIGHT!?!?!
I totally did  the screening, just out of curiosity, but I didn't apply for the job because: seriously.

Now, I'm on the second interview for a job that I'm not interested in, really.  The hoops for this one is many:
A human resources situation questionnaire.
An online skills tests for typing, alpha-numeric inputting, and 3 apps of the MS Office Suite.
Two 1-hour job shadows
1 and 1/2 hour sit-down interview

So, these are added to the list of interviews that begun with the 30-minute longhand essay. Sweet baby jesus.

I guess these tasks offset the ease of searching for employment via the comfort of recliner, on your own laptop, while watching Greys Anatomy, with a sleeping puppy on you.

1 comment:

Swistle said...

I laughed enough at the Tony Robbins Personality Screening to generate a wheeze/cough.

I've been browsing jobs recently, and I keep seeing jobs that are like, receptionist, and then they want 5 years of experience. I have BEEN a receptionist, and I can't think why 5 years of it would be necessary for ANY receptionist job. Another job was for an assistant's assistant in a public school office, and they wanted 5 years of experience in a school office. If I have FIVE YEARS of experience in a school office and I am still the assistant to the assistant, then I think perhaps I am not in the right field.