Our beloved Swistle has invited us to play a game. A Song List game! In a quest to build a play list, she has asked us to make a list of one song from each of thee five categories listed below.
I'm kind of terrible at this game because I have difficulty choosing just one. I mean, I get hyper-specific and can't choose just one. So, bear with me.
1. A favorite song/a song you really like. It’s ok if it’s slow, or an obscure genre, or music that isn’t generally popular.
I have two absolute favorites right now and they both are Canadian band/singers. Beautiful Freak Show by Dean Brody. I Be U Be by High Valley. They're both country but probably Not At All what you're thinking of right this second, especially Beautiful Freak Show. Click the titles, if you're curious.
2. A cheesy love song you remember from middle school/high school.
I Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon. This song was EVERYTHING in high school. Followed by Careless Whisper. I hope you're sitting down when I tell you I was in choir in high school and we managed to convince the teacher to let us sing both of these songs.
3. A song that makes you feel like dancing.
My Type by Saint Motel. I first heard this in the movie "Mr. Right" and I love when it comes on my playlist. Makes it awkward when I'm in the grocery store, for sure.
4. A song from one of the first albums you owned.
I first owned 45's (single song records for those of you who aren't old) It was Eddie Rabbit's "I'm Alright" and Blondie's "Heart of Glass"
Sidebar: my first records were often K-Tel records....the compilation ones like the "Now That's What I Call Music" cd's.
5. A song you enjoy, in a language you do not speak.
Belle by Jack Johnson - kind of a cheat because it's about a minute long but I love it. The only other one I could think of was Iko Iko but it's partially in English.
Okay, your turn. Please play along! Comment on Swistle's bloggity or her Twitter. I'm running behind on this (big surprise!) but it's fun anyway!
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