29 January 2025

Tuna - This Caught On...

 Okay, so what I considered a throw-away post intended to rinse out recent bad news actually caught (ha! unintended pun!) some interest.

I realized that I left out a very important component of making tuna sandwiches:


This, I suspect, is where it really gets interesting in this discussion.  "Interesting" being a stronger word than one would suspect in a discussion about tuna sandwiches but this is the world we live in right now.

As I mentioned, wheat bread is the go-to here.  However, whole grain is my favorite.  I've tried sourdough and it was too many flavors.  I haven't had white bread since the 1900's.

Years ago my sister made me a tuna sandwich with pita bread and as Swistle mentioned: celery.  I STILL think about that sandwich.  Do I ever remember to add pita and celery to the shopping list? don't be silly, of course not.

So, we already talked about mayonnaise.  Kevin wants lightly spread mayo on each piece of bread.  It's too much, I'm just saying.

Mayo is Not my favorite and I'm allergic in large doses. I substitute it with - bear with me - ranch instead of mayo.  Only on one slice and it's barely noticeable.  Swistle mentions that she mixes mustard into the tuna but Kevin would pack my bags if I did that. However, I do like it and use it on one slice instead and I can't believe I forgot to mention that very important detail.

Also, GiGi mentioned her husband using olive oil and I'm going to consider that as a mayo alternative.

Subtopic: a friend I used to know put mustard on grilled cheese.  It is surprisingly good.  We're not talking about using mayo instead of butter on grilled cheese. I said: we're not talking about it.

I am curious about making it a little spicier and will try that when I next make it for myself.  This is one of those things that one doesn't think of trying until some weird chick writes on the internet about tuna sandwiches and then we crowd-source ideas and recipes.

Then while thinking about this post and the comments, I remembered a childhood friend who put potato chips on her sandwich.  Like, take the top slice of bread off, add a layer of potato chips then replace the bread.  Too much texture for me, for sure.  (like the big chunks of tuna...nope, sorry NGS. lol)

Finally, can we all agree that lettuce does not belong on a tuna sandwich?

1 comment:

Gigi said...

Believe it or not, I thought of you today when The Husband pulled out tuna for a tuna casserole for lunch. It was fabulous.

As for the tuna salad The Husband makes, I wish I knew the correct ratios because whenever I make it; it's never quite right.

And yes, lettuce (or tomato) does NOT belong on a tuna sandwich; nor do any "crunchy" bits. Except maybe sliced almonds. (Told you I was picky about my tuna and, for that matter, chicken salad).