29 April 2008

Secret Identities

As a writer, one of the more fun things I've thought about and discussed was a pen name. What name would I use? My maiden name? A made up name? A combination of family names? I just can't decide.

Then that pondering branches out to screen names. It took me awhile to come up with "Firegirl". Essentially, I just made a list of likes and attributes and viola! There was Firegirl. (the fact that it sounds like a super hero name? all the better)

Why is it so difficult to think of screen names and passwords? Or is it just me? They say you should have multiples of both in order to thwart identity theft. (again with the super hero thing..."thwart")

Use nicknames? yeah, that works but it's not very fun. I don't use my real name as I like to be Anonymous Girl (again, super hero theme) and my name (married & given) is plain.
Plus, I admire people when I see clever screen names. I'm always a little jealous.

And passwords, forget about it. I use two. Two are all that I can manage. (I heard that gasp, you IT people out there)
AND I have a list of them written down so I can keep track of which use which. How do people remember these things? I can't remember to pack my lunch most days. FOOD, I forget food. How can I remember the password for my cell phone account is Punkin93? (it's not...gotcha)

I thought I was so clever once and tried to just use the name or initials of the site and the actual word "password" but some of the password Gods would reject it so that didn't work. Sigh...it's just too hard.

So Firegirl it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of trouble with this, too, especially when the passwords have to be SO COMPLICATED: "at least 6 characters but fewer than 14, containing at least 2 capital letters and at least 2 numbers." ARRRGGG!