17 November 2008


We are all packed! Two large suitcases and one backpack full of shoes and we are all set. My f-i-l and nephew are leaving Monday morning to meet us in Vegas on Wednesday.
Now all we have to due is drum our fingers anxiously/excitedly until we fly out Wednesday.

Having to pack early has actually become a good thing. It took planning & execution but now there's no stress on the actual travel day...well, other than the whole traveling with family thing.

It has become quite the trip. It seems that one could say "The last one to leave the Northwest, please turn out the lights." This will alleviate some of the stress of racing with the big boys as lots of our friends are racing too.

And, to our surprise, it turns out that Kevin won't be the last qualifier, all going well. At this point, we've already won! (:-D

I have a huge list of things to do & see while we're there. Roller Coasters is the word(s) of this trip. Last year we didn't do any of the roller coasters. Not this trip!

I'm also curious as my nephew is a very good looking and charming 24 year old and he's single. We're betting he hooks up the first night. (:-D We told him to just find a bachelorette party and he's good to go. We are going to live vicariously through him on this trip.

So, I've scheduled a bunch of posts. You won't even notice I'm gone. If I can borrow a laptop, I'll post during the trip. It may be a plea for bail money so start rolling your coins now.

Viva Las Vegas!