22 February 2012

Random Item of the Day

This picture is in our kitchen.  Kevin's mom gave it to us when they closed the Moody House and moved up here.  It is one of Kevin's prized possessions.

The picture is of a coffee shop in  Bellingham back-in-the-day.  The last dark haired girl was Kevin's grandma.  She was originally from Australia, sent to Canada as a mail-order bride, then moved to a tiny border town in Washington. I wish I could tell you she had a happy life but it's just not true.

Looking at her, a person can see The Sisters as we call Kevin's mom and her siblings.  She has a haunted air about her that is present in every picture that I've seen.  She died happy, at least, surrounded by her family in the Moody House.

1 comment:

Swistle said...

Excellent line there: "I wish I could tell you she had a happy life but it's just not true."