I have five days of confinement...or captivity, as I've been calling it...left. Next Monday afternoon I will hopefully have a walking cast.
I'm equal parts nervous and excited. I feel like I'm healing and everyone seems to think so but there's always that little doubt in the back of your head. I try to shout it down most days.
Instead I focus on what I want to do first. What I want to do is a bit ridiculous: I want to clean my house. It has been such a challenge to live with "good enough" for me. I've learned to vacuum & mop from the wheelchair, how to balance on one foot while wiping countertops or doing laundry. It's always "good enough" and that makes me crazy.
And yes, I recognize that I'm not supposed to be doing any of the above but if you know me in reals, you know that simply sitting around is not going to happen.
I want to be able to just stand up and go to the bathroom without transferring to a wheelchair or walker and it taking ten minutes. (used to be fifteen) I want to be able to stand in my pantry and closet and reach whatever I need.
I want to shower. Oh, how I want to shower.
I want to drive to the coffee stand and see my friends. I know they're going to make me cry and that's okay.
See? It's the simple things I want to do.
The one thing I don't mind not doing is Grocery Shopping. I am relieved to have Kevin do this. Although he does it at 7:00 am and calls me multiple times, I am still happy to have him do it. I think I have a few more weeks before I can walk that much anyway so that's a relief.
So countdown with me, won't you poppets? Five days. Five days will be one more step (pun intended) to having my normal life back.
And a shower.
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