22 January 2015

Two Plates, Two Cups, Two Spoons

The kids watched movies at our house on New Year's Eve while the adults played games next door. The plan was they would watch movies and have popcorn then come down just before midnight.

We had already left when the kids dropped off the kids. I dug out every extra pillow and blanket I could find so that each kid had their own.  We were pretty specific with the Nephew and Fiancee about "rules" because we don't have a kid friendly house, really.  But there were only two instructions: no horseplay and stay out of our room and office. They've been there before and they're good kids. But there are five of them and they're kids.

The Nephew and Fiancee joined the adults after getting the kids settled.  Although Fiancee has been in our house before, getting the kids settled gave her the opportunity to really see the house.  A person doesn't feel quite so conspicuous looking around when the owners aren't there.

"It's so TINY! So clean! I kept thinking Is This REAL?" she exclaimed to us.

I just laughed because it is tiny and it is clean.  I told her "Honey, we don't have five kids like you do!"

This spun her off onto another exclamation.  "We had to get bowls out for all the kids and we opened the cupboard and there were just a few bowls and I was confused.  Then it occurred to me: there's only two of them.  Isn't that sweet?  They only have what they need. And they only need two!"

She meant it genuinely and lovingly. Being a mom who needs at least of five of everything AND make sure that one child has the green one and the other has the blue one, etc.  this probably is a dream to her.

1 comment:

Swistle said...

Ha! It IS pretty adorable, now that I think of it!