14 January 2022

Fingerprints and PTSD

 Okay, so you know what.  The 2022 meme that says "2022 is pronounced 2020 too" is just not okay.  Especially and specifically when I have days like yesterday and get work emails like this:

"As for the clinic, the dentist was just found deceased recently. 😥 Her husband found her in the hot tub...with the lid on. I've seen enough crime shows to know they better be interviewing the husband!"

I mean, C'MON.

It's the fourteenth day of this new year and I'm already:

I'm going to quote my email to my bff to explain how this whole thing started:

My gawd I am pissy this morning.  It has been one of those frustrating work mornings where everything is just stupid.  I flunked a bloodbourne pathogens online test and I GOOGLED THE ANSWERS after the fifth fail and STILL failed.  That's the kind of stupid stuff.

I had to do a criminal background check and I had to list my former married name and it ruins my day for about five minutes.  I always stumble on the Have you ever violated a restraining order question and have to correct my brain to say It was violated against me, not by me.

I also had to register for something that made me update information that hadn't been updated since 2006 and had all my former workplace information.  GAH.

So, about that criminal background thing.  It's required for my work.  It feels like maybe it didn't get completed on deadline because there was a sudden push to do it.  

Right now all the hospitals in this region...three counties..are full because of Covid.  Now is not the time to have folks out in the community unnecessarily

Since the last time I completed mine, fingerprints are now required.  Sigh.  This created a need to register for a WHOLE OTHER WEBSITE and complete that process online.  Which I did.  Except not.
I scheduled the appointment and off I went yesterday.

Firstly, it's on the old campus where I went to school for five minutes during the worst part of my divorce.  In that parking lot was a very dark and disturbing conversation with the former husband after he had stolen my car.  So, no PTSD was fine.  Psh. whatevs.

Secondly, this building is an old college. Imagine one long hallway a la The Shining, with lots of small rooms and offices. The office for the fingerprinting was at the very back. Couldn't get further away from humanity and still be in the building, very back.

Enter the room, which it turns out IS JUST a room.  No ventilation, no windows.  Just three cubicles and let's see...eight people including me.  Two of which were international maritime workers renewing their credentials.   I am masked up and I just tucked myself in the furthest corner I could find.  

Actually pretty quickly, someone came to help and she chose the furthest cubicle away. As she checked me into the system, she had me step up to read the monitor to verify my information.  Did she step away?  No.  Then, they don't have my appointment on record.  Because of course not.  I had to hand the worker my phone to show the documentation and at one point she says "I have to take my mask off, I can't read and have it on."


At least she was also wearing gloves.

So, fifteen excruciating minutes later, I left with my hair on fire and go to my office.  Because I also had a quick meeting with an advocate and needed to pick up supplies.  I'm feeling like I should just lick all the doors at this point.

There stands the "manager" who is coordinating all of this.   I kind of unloaded on her, not angrily but definitely frustrated. Animated, for sure.   I explained that the parents live with us, I don't put myself in these kinds of setting AND if I'm going to be in that kind of settings, I quarantine from them for at least five days but I CAN'T because they're needing my help TODAY.  

I remember that she said two things "The instructions were in my email" and "Well, you're still within your ten days of getting this completed so that's good."  I walked away.  Then later I texted my job partner: "Coworker is literally being PAID to be empathetic and still can't do it."

So, yeah, maybe a little PTSD.

By the time I returned home, after walkies and a Happy Meal with Lucy (shut up) TWO CENTERS had been closed due to Covid. Thankfully and luckily, not the center where my office is/was located.

Kevin phoned in the middle of this and he sensed....tone.  He asked what was happening and he flipped into the mode of  the "One Crazy Person at a Time" clause in the relationship policy.  He knew I'd had it when I dropped the gawdammit to him, which I never do because his family doesn't believe in using that phrase.

I came home and headed over to the parents to help them.  I remained masked up and stayed on the other side of the room.  If you remember, they had me switch their insurance while I was on winter break, just prior to the m-i-l's hospitalization.

Well, they don't remember any of the details of that.  And, they found that the new insurance had drawn their payment already.  So, I'm re-explaining all of this and left a message for the new insurance agent because "We have questions."

Silly me, should have asked what their questions were before phoning them.  Their questions were the above stated issues.  And. and. AND: my f-i-l thought he'd cancelled his/their insurance but he couldn't remember.

This is a thing because not only is he now uninsured for January, she just spent a week in the hospital.
I directed them to call the insurance RIGHT NOW to confirm he did and to undo it, if he did.  I told them I was going home because I still had work to do.  I did AND I just needed five minutes.

And of course while I've been gone, everyone needs something.  I worked about another hour, putting out little fires. My phone rings and it's the in-laws.  My f-i-l just says "Can you come over here, right now, please?"  Yes, of course.

Scurried over there and they're on the phone...speaker phone...with the insurance.  Yes, he had cancelled it and they were undoing it but the folks couldn't communicate clearly so Enter: Me.  I spent a half hour on the phone undoing his cancellation and correcting an error on her account.  ALL THE WHILE, the new insurance agent is phoning me back as well as my work.

My in-laws are in their chairs and I can hear "Oh, thank god for Surely"  "We couldn't do this without Surely."  "How does she get these things done?"  I am not pleased with this, or bragging, because I'm annoyed.

Because thirty minutes later, the m-i-l says she doesn't want to get a power of attorney for her/with me because she's still "with it" and doesn't want to give it up.  As Kevin is reporting this, I actually laid my head on my desk.  "Kevin...if she's so okay...WHY DID I JUST SPEND AN HOUR OVER THERE FIXING THEIR ISSUES."

So, meanwhile, everything is fixed.  And I return to doing my actual job 

Finally, it's the time of day where I'm done.  Super, extra done.  Oh, what's that? An email announcing a zoom meeting? Tomorrow? (Friday) at 3:00 pm?  And it's mandatory?  With less than 24 hours notice?

Now it's Friday at noon. I've rescheduled the fingerprinting.  I've finished my work.  I'm taking Lucy for walkies so I can be back in time for that dogblessed meeting at 3:00.  Recently they've been asking for "screens on" so I'm trying to figure out how to do that and watch Schitt's Creek.

C'mon 2023.

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