all London-y.
Thursday I just slept-in and stared at the walls all day. My brain needed to be non-functioning. I think it was in sleep mode most of the day. Then Friday was my Saturday because I had to get all my chores and shopping done. By Friday night the house was sparkling and our cupboards were full and our bags were packed.
Saturday we went racing. A 4:30 wake-up time sucks but sucks even more on a Saturday. Wisely, I planned ahead and purchased iced mochas on Friday night so that I was fully armed with caffeine and sugar.
But what about "cheating douchebag"? you're wondering. Well, Cheating Douchebag raced last year and was illegally equipped...I guess is the the easiest way to explain Kevin's sole purpose was to best C.D.'s record this year.
And he totally did. People cheered. People clapped. It was awesome.
We stayed BY OURSELVES in a lovely hotel on the water in Port Orchard.
We had pizza at a local restaurant a friend highly recommended. We went to bed early and all the that it implies then I fell asleep watching Pride & Prejudice, my fave movie. Then we were actually able to sleep in because it was raining.
We tried McDonald's iced mochas on the way to pick up our car trailer at the track. They weren't awful but they weren't Starbucks either.
By 3 pm, I was home, totally unpacked, with the laundry nearly done, and just chilled. Nice. the dog was momentarily happy about our return but then non-too-subtly seemed to resent our return as if to say "Remember? Remember that time that I had the entire house to myself? Those were good times..."
Today, I slept in a bit and my father-in-law hand delivered an iced mocha to the door so well done. Missy Jo broke her lead in the truck on Friday so I was a little concerned about avoiding taking her to get a treat. (WA state has leash laws for dogs in the back of trucks) It took a little convincing and two treats hidden in her breakfast to get her to relent. I think she still suspects there is a chance that we might go, judging by the hopeful and watching eye every time I pass by.
Now I am eating leftover pizza and reading on the deck in the sunshine. I am finally finishing the book from the Tweaker adventure. The Forgotten Garden. It is a good read, kind of a grown-up fairy tale with three generations each telling an intertwined story. I wish I had picked it up during the winter because it is an excellent book to cozy up and get lost in.
Tomorrow it's back to "normal". If not for the need for food & shelter, I would totally call in dead tomorrow.

sounds like a good mini-vacay. love the photo of you reading : ) the last two days the weather here has been...dare i say it? fall like. lord i hope it stays this way. i'm so over the heat of summer. i've also tried those coffee drinks at mcd's and i think they suck. they do sweat tea great, coffees? not so much.
Such lovely feet,hello feet.
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