They just played AC/DC - Thunderstruck. This song makes me a little sad. I know, you're wondering WTH is she talking about?!
Fireworks season was last month and I would have normally been busy coordinating shows, crews, and paperwork. Sadly, that part of my life is finished. It's been three years and I am still in pout mode. (wondering what I am talking about? click here) Kevin said not very long ago that he is surprised I let it go so easily.
Anyway, why would Thunderstruck make me wistful was the question:
We had a list of songs we wanted to set off fireworks to. Thunderstruck is one of the songs on the list. It has a perfect tempo for such a thing. As I listen, I can choreograph it in my head. When to make noise, when to make light, when to do things in rapid succession, when to fade to black.
I loved that part of setting up the show: the choreography, because that's what it was. Like a play or a movie, there has be a beginning, a middle, and an end. There are many factors that have to be considered beyond that as well. There is expectation regarding time, tempo, and style.
There is the human factor as well. There were five to six guys on the crew and each had their own personality when it came to doing it. Some are methodical, some were quick, some had a perfect rhythm. It used to be that I could watch a show and tell you exactly who was lighting when.
Part of what made our crew work is that they were all friends for years and had worked together for years. So like a dance or theatre company, they each had their own routines and they meshed well together.

One of the best shows we did was the show after 9/11. It was set to patriotic music, Lee Greenwood, Toby Keith, Jimi Hendrix. Songs that usually I roll my eyes at, simply because they've become trite instead of inspiring. But that day, during the most patriotic of holidays, after such a momentous event, everything took on a more meaningful purpose & intent.
The music was louder than usual and the guys could hear it and light accordingly. It was the only venue that we could do it. The crew sang as the show went on, the crowd was louder than usual, and the moment was bigger than anything any of us have ever experienced. I am still amazed at the power of that moment.
Moments like that is what makes me miss fireworks.
ok, i need the back story. why aren't you blowing up fireworks anymore? that sounds like an AWESOME job!
I know what you mean,I haven't directed a play since Joyce died,but I still hear something and think,I could use that in......
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