I've mentioned before that the building I work in is 100 years old. It's always been a YWCA so I can't even begin to guess how many people have been through those doors. It was built to provide single women a place to live or spend time off the streets during the Wild West days of early Bellingham.
There has been mentions of ghosts and sounds and closing of doors since I started here. It was even mentioned during first day tour and I was asked if it would bother me. Nope, not at all.
It's always been a residence but it has also been a public swimming pool and public kitchen and ballroom.
There has been mentions of ghosts and sounds and closing of doors since I started here. It was even mentioned during first day tour and I was asked if it would bother me. Nope, not at all.
I take it in stride because that stuff doesn't bother me. Also: 100 year old building. I don't get to be bothered by such things and work here.
Someone said once that I work in a museum and I found that to be quite apt. There are original windows, wood staircase, ballroom, furniture, and light fixtures. Probably original people. There are definitely opportunities for glances into the past.
............. and this is where the draft ended. But I do remember where I was going with this...
The person who replaced my boss was an odd person, to say the least. Then she literally went a little crazy while working there and left just prior to being fired. To clarify: crazy, though, not quirky: seeing/hearing things, agoraphobic, stopped showering, and didn't want to be alone in the building or even her office; in addition to some other really not okay behaviors for a leader.
Back to the building though:
Before she left she had a shaman come and smudge the building and release the spirits. This was while I was on leave for my broken ankle and I missed it. I am so disappointed because I am somewhere between being a skeptic and a spectator.
She stated that hundreds of "people" left the building via the basement as the shaman welcomed them to leave. She said there were so many that the shaman had to stop due to exhaustion but would return to finish someday. Then she stated that another part of the basement was haunted by a not friendly/not angry spirit, that the elevator was haunted, and that the top floor was also inhabited by women spirits whom didn't want to leave.
While this is probably an exaggeration/imagination, clients and volunteers did report feeling someone nearby, having things move inexplicably, cold spots, creaking doors/floors, etc. Granted it is a 100 year old building so any of these things are probably easily dismissed.
But are they?
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