16 October 2021

Barefoot in the Rain

 Ah, the Autumn Ennui.  I thought I'd skipped that this year but nope.  It's just running late. How apropos. 

Today is one of those days in the beautiful PNW where it seems like the sun forgets to rise.  Summer did an Irish Goodbye and left without a word.  

I'm about three-quarters through Start Up and I'm at the This Is Never Going To End phase. Then, because the universe thinks it's funny: I have back-to-back zoom meetings today and insult-to-injury, they're at the end of my day.

So, while trying not to lean into this ennui because I have sh*t to do, I thought about Vegas. You know, like you do.

When I stay in Vegas and have a decent view from the room, I never close the curtains. With that mindset, I went around the house just now and opened all the curtains and blinds to let in the meager light.

I had the big shower and tub in the hotel room and while I have a big garden tub, I don't have the time to fill it and soak.  So instead, I did a shower/bath in which I plug the tub and let it fill while I shower then just lingered.  A soak, few yoga poses later and I feel a little more human.  And squishy.

I'm wearing my favorite t-shirt (ACLU, recommended by Swistle, who is never wrong about these things) and shorts because I have the wood heat going and it's about 100 billion degrees in here. Also: bare feet.  One of my favorite things is to have the doors or windows open when it's like this.  Fresh air without freezing myself out.  Yes, Kevin is somewhere right now wondering why his head hurts.

Usually I have Alexa playing Sirius/XM while I work. I turned her off then put the television(s) on the channel that plays Friends all day.  I never turn on the television during the day because my alphabet brain will just sit there and watch Friends all day.  But the sound of it, right now, is soothing.

I already had coffee, which wasn't very good but I'm not patient enough to remake it.  Instead I'm having probiotic that tastes like Tequila Sunrise without the alcohol and the required *eyerolling* banana.

Lucy is laying behind me, having transferred herself from the middle of the people bed.  It's like she knows a human would appreciate her company right now.  Also: she's waiting for a walkies opportunity. Yesterday we went to the bay and it was cold but wonderful.  I'm kind of thinking about doing that again today, even though it's a bit of a drive.  But I have meetings late in the day so I have time.

I've half-heartedly started my chores and that's how I ended up here, writing at my desk. I came in to get Rosie/Geoff Peterson and here we are.  Whining about how warm it is in here and that I have two bathrooms to choose from, and a job that keeps me busy, and the ability to go look at the ocean with a silly dog.

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