How's the whole vegetarian thing going, you might be wondering. Well, it's a process. I tend to be an All or Nothing person so I have to like Not do that.
I haven't had red meat since the diagnosis. Until. Until I made spaghetti and meatballs last night, because my mother-in-law requested it. (surprises happen every day) I ate one meatball without thinking about it then ate half of the other. Yep, paid for that at 2:00 this morning. Super. So my body is clearly a fan of the no meat thing.
However, I had to decide that dinner has to have chicken or turkey still. I barely have the skills to cook for both of us, let alone make a dinner for Kevin and a dinner for me. I did have a gardenburger while everyone else had a burger the other day - I would like a sticker, please - and I like fish-wiches when it's time for fast food.
During the day, I do just fine. It's just me and the choices are limited to what I have here in the house. I have yogurt, and smoothie stuff. Cereal and oatmeal. Peanut butter and cheese. (not together, eww.) I'm not a big fresh fruit fan, other than a banana that I make myself eat every day. Vegetables are okay and I do enjoy having a salad at lunch now.
As a "Meh, I'll give it a try" I bought Just Crack an Egg. I can only have eggs sporadically but I thought it might be good to switch it up or that Kevin would like them. It's a protein but it's processed so really kind of a wash.
So, if you don't know: it's a plastic bowl with little packets of potato, cheese, and bacon. (or sausage) You take all of that out, crack an egg...thus the name...into the bowl and mix in the other ingredients. This is where the wheels fall off.
I couldn't get the egg to crack. The edge of the provided bowl flexes and isn't conducive to cracking an egg. Well, for someone with my skills, maybe. The first egg I broke went into the sink, about as expected when I try "cooking" something new. But I persevered and mixed it all up. Put it in the microwave with the broken handle and waited.
It was....mushy? It was one of those things that taste better than they look. I think the intention is a quiche-like texture. Also, it tasted mostly of cheese and bacon.
Because of the texture, I think it's a hard pass for Kevin. I did eat the remaining one, only this time adding two eggs and scrambling them before adding the other ingredients. It was significantly better so Just Crack Two Eggs and Scramble should be the name.
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It's not a no. It's a meh. This is the one egg one |
Then it comes to smoothies. Swistle was helpful with ideas and made me realize that I had forgotten honey and that's why it was a little bitter or yogurty. The smoothies have been mildly successful. I don't hate them but I'm also not skipping to the kitchen for one.
I made a mango/banana/strawberry one the other day and I liked it. Until I rinsed the glass out in the sink and noticed the remnants looked like vomit. (too many years in Early Childhood Education) It will be a little bit before I make that one again.
Today's issue was the yogurt. It's always the yogurt. All the smoothie recipes say use plain yogurt. I am not a fan. Today I decided to use fruit yogurt the same as the frozen fruit. When I opened and began to dump it in the blender, I thought "That looks...soupy...." But the thought didn't complete before the action. I checked the expiration date and it was a week past due. Because why not. I dumped it out and started again. This time with success. The honey and flavored yogurt made the difference! Hooray!
So, not winning. Also, not losing.
1 comment:
Ooo, I don't know if you'll like this, but you know what I love in a smoothie is VANILLA yogurt. The vanilla flavor combines really nicely with the honey and fruit.
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