06 June 2006


Getting fired sucks. I know, you just rolled your eyes and muttered "Duh." But really, it does.
Having recently been fired, I speak from experience.

You know, in my situation, it is not even the fired part that bothers me. It's the loss.
It is the loss of trust that I had with the person who did the deed.
It is the loss of friendships with my co-workers and clients.
It is the loss of structure. I have no idea how to manage my day.
It is the loss of finances. This has put a crimp in my life, certainly.
It is not just the loss of a "job". It's a lifestyle change.

Everyone has been supportive. I have heard "Everything happens for a reason" "It's going to be okay," etc. Everyone has said, "Take some time off." As nice as that sounds, I am having a difficult time just chilling. I feel compelled to do *something* I am not a productive member of society.

And there is that pesky bill thing too. Oh, yeah, that.

God doesn't like arrogance, I've always said, and he's sure making certain that I'm not arrogant!
And be careful what you wish for. I recently was wishing that I could just work part time or quit and become a writer full-time. Well, prophetically, I got my wish! Be careful what you wish for!

Although the reasons for being fired are varied...budgetary, take-overs, burnout...
It really doesn't matter. You still have to say you were fired. What an ego-check.

I have learned to phrase it as "I was unexpectedly separated from my job", which sounds so much nicer. It doesn’t feel so cheezy. I don't feel like such a loser.

But the fact remains; I have been Trumped. I am not the Apprentice. I have been fired.

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