I just finished Craig Ferguson's autobiography "American on Purpose". One of my favorite-est autobiographies ever. Then I went to Amazon & ordered "Between the Bridge & the River" and two of his movies. I may be a little obsessed fan about him now.
Then BFF C showed me that Emily Giffin has a new book coming out soon:

So I added it to my ever-growing wish list. I have one on Amazon and one on BOMC2. You know about BOMC2? You register, make a reading list & for $9.95 monthly they automatically send you one new, best-selling, hardback book. I could not love it more. Anyway, there's about ten books on that list.
While Kevin was sleeping awhile ago, I restarted a Doubleday Book Club membership and on Friday I came home to this:
This picture makes me happy.
Swistle mentioned "The Help" and now I've added that to my list also. It was on the "maybe" list before but was upgraded. Please for the love of God, don't recommend any books to me, I'm highly susceptible.
I haven't even begun the book from the tweaker adventure yet. It's sitting patiently beside the bed, looking pretty. I'm also ignoring the stack of books next to my chair. I might have brought home two books from work the other day.
Clearly, I have issues. My name is *Firegirl* and I'm an addict.
hello firegirl, my name is creative kerfuffle and i'm an addict too. that picture is lovely : ) i don't buy so many books as check them out from the library or swap w/ friends. i buy (or rather am gifted from the hubs for bdays/holidays) hardback stephen king's (because i love him). i keep all of his and a few, random others, but regardless i have stacks. there's a stack in a basket at the end of our bed, must reads. i just brought home a stack from the library. etc. books, i love them.
I am with you on book reading. I have a list a mile long and ordered about 30 books from the library the other day. I'm going on spring break in 9 days so hopefully I'll have time to read!!
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