30 May 2011

Alcohol = S'Mores

This weekend was the big birthday party.  I think we're all exhausted, happy but exhausted.  We had friends from Canada, friends from faraway, friends that were new and friends that were old.  It was the perfect mix of people.

The kids had friends to play with this year so that was a new development as in past years, it's just been adults. They had a great time running around and the adults had a great time watching them.  I actually heard the words "I'll punch that baby, right here in front of all these people.  Oh yeah, I said it, I will punch a baby."  I was laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face.  Especially as the baby, Peyton, who was facing him at the time smiling at him with the most angelic face ever.  (Context...The Nephew, Stepdad to five, is extremely nervous that babies are contagious)

We sung Happy Birthday three different times then we all surprised Kevin with the Happy Birthday song.  Always his favorite.

We've had barbecue and cake. There is still both leftover.   We're waiting to hear that the s'mores are ready now, which brings me to the title.  Kevin was talking to the Littles about their party and he announced that there would be chicks & alcohol.  Girl Little thought this was hysterical, she seemed to get it.  The boys, however, asked later what alcohol was.  The Nephew, quick as always on his feet, told them that s'mores were alcohol.

Now we're ready to sleep.  A lot.  But first: s'mores.

I hope your weekend was as enjoyable!

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