About this time yesterday, we were officially done painting the exterior of our house. It was estimated that it would take about one weekend, if we worked straight through. Anyone who knows us knows that is simply not gonna happen. And it didn't.
It took two weekends, not working straight through, and time over the work week. It's a small house so we estimate that the prep time may have taken longer than the actual paint time. Like HVAC when building a house, prep time isn't visible or immediately gratifying however.
So, let's begin at the beginning, shall we?
We were supposed to paint the house last summer and we didn't. There was just too much going on in the family, work, racecar, and as we remembered this weekend: wildfire smoke. And just who we are as people has to be noted.
Then we got a bid from neighbors for just painting the house, we would do the prep work. $1800. So after a milli-second of consideration, we agreed we would do it ourselves. There are just other ways we would rather spend that kind of money.
I powerwashed the entire house over two days, which is so satisfying and gratifying. It really is one my favorite chores. This is where I discovered that we could probably get away with painting just the gutters and trim for at least another year. Kevin said that wasn't an option though.
There is a spec house that we both really like the paint palette...paint scheme...paint job? I took a crappy photo over a year ago so we could replicate it:
It was different enough to make it worth painting but not a huge overall change. Kevin and I must have gone around one hundred times about painting gutters, the door, which color went where. I even sent him photos:
One would think that this helped, it did not. I don't know why. It could be his dyslexia, it could be anxiety. I just know murder was on the table. It did not pass my notice that the intended trim color was a lovely shade of cappuccino, keeping with our coffee paint scheme. Oh, and off topic a bit: everyone called the trim color a different color. My father-in-law-in-law (not a typo) thought it looks purplish. My s-i-l called it olive. Kevin just kept calling it brown.
One of Kevin's guys is a contractor. He said to go to Sherwin Williams for paint. This is where I tell you that Kevin will often get names wrong, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not. One never knows which. He kept calling it Sherwim Phillips, which made me laugh every single time.
(SIDE NOTE: The habit of purposefully saying names wrong spins out my sister-in-law. She hates it SO MUCH. There was a restaurant called Johnny Carinos and Kevin called it Jonny Gringo. Woo boy did she hate that. So then it could never be Johnny Carinos ever again. Anyway...)
So, we decided a color theme. We had most of the prep work done. Then Kevin had to work on a Saturday because of course. He suggested that I just go get samples of the above paint card and we'd go from there. He gave me the can of original paint we had to match, because he thinks of these kinds of things.
I went in the morning, hoping to beat the rush and was rewarded with a young guy who was willing to babysit me. He agreed that the colors would match, he didn't upsell me on paint or tools or services, and gave me exactly what it would cost.
Oh, and I had already looked for coupons and sales and how much estimated paint we would need so for once I was prepared.
Next thing I know, I am bringing home five gallons of coastal green (I think) and two gallons each of the accent colors. More paint than we needed but I am a big fan of not having to back into town in the middle of a big project. And paint keeps so we're set when it's time to touch up everything.
I took a photo of the receipt and texted it to Kevin. Three...two...one...and my phone rings. "I, uh, thought we were only getting samples today?" with a tinge of fear in his voice. I laughed because silly boy should really know better than that. I am one of few who impulsively buys large amounts of custom paint. You're welcome.
"We know what we want, I found it and I bought it. If I don't, it will be next summer before we paint the house." "Okay..." replies Captain Skeptical.
We started with basic colors and trim package, fifteen years ago:
We thought it was cute and charming fifteen years ago. Now we're all *yawn, boring* |
There are 16 shutters on this house. Nothing will test your patience and perseverance like painting shutters. There may have been tears, definitely cursing and tantruming. I did those while Kevin was at work so I could just zone out and get it done. It took three days. THREE. And there was still needed touch-up when we hung them.
Note that Kevin will hate this photo because things are in disarray and unfinished. That is my point.
AND THEN, we have park benches at the end of the house where we park. Kevin mentioned that the darker green might look good on them so I gave them a quick coat. It did NOT. So, like, NOT. This found me on the following Monday at the hardware store buying more paint. I will save those photos for the end as not to spoil the Big Reveal.
Oh, and hooray for impulsiveness. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
While Kevin was at work during the week, I worked on the trim. It required the little ladder so it was mostly okay. Anything requiring the big ladder was automatically designated as Kevin's. For those of you keeping track: shutters and most of the trim. All said and done, about three work-days worth of painting, not chronological. For me.
Then I started to roll paint the body of the house as far as I could reach; I am five foot, three inches tall. Dude, it was not even to the halfway part. I could only reach about one-third of the house. So much for a good deed. Kevin was pleased still though because that was one-third that he didn't have to do. (I took photos but you really can't tell, sadly)
It was mentioned a few times in conversation that my sister-in-law painted their whole house a few summers ago. Alone. (because Kevin's brother is a .... piece of work, shall we say) Their house is over 1,600 square feet and elevated. Ours is 1,200 at most and not elevated. She is tougher than I am, for sure. Over the weekend, I told Kevin "You can BET that if it were me, I would mention that on the DAILY. Remember when I painted the ENTIRE HOUSE by myself?"
Anyway, Kevin was super appreciative of all the work I did. Even if I did have to push back (twice) on the whole "While you're home during the day" mindset. Home doesn't equal free time right now, buddy.
To be fair to Kevin also, his part was super sketch. He had to use an industrial ladder to reach the peak of three gables and NO THANK YOU. I will take shutters over being fifteen-to-twenty feet in the air for $1,000 Alex.
We work pretty well together too. It's like the shop remodel was the rehearsal. I'm glad that it ended up that way, even accidentally. Not that we'll ever have to do this whole thing again. Next time I am so writing the big check.
And now for the big reveal:
Coastal Plain is the body color, Tactile is the trim color and Retreat is the shutter color.
And finally: the bench mistake
Pro Tip: Oil based latex high endurance paint does not easily come off of your skin. I'm just saying. |
At the end of the day, Kevin mused that the shop and tool shed was next. *record scratch* Through all of this, it had NOT OCCURRED to me that the outbuildings would also need painted. Sigh. Luckily, the exterior of the shop has recently been done so it's "only" four shutters, trim, and drains. The little shed will take no time at all. But still. Way to kill the mood, Kev.
And finally, we cannot decide what color to paint the doors. The trim is tan, the dark green would look odd, I think, and certainly not the light green. I'm leaning toward black because we know I love black. Right now both doors have screen/storm doors and are white. The contractor suggested leaving them white due to maintenance and the contrast in color. Right now: no decision is our decision.
What's next? you might be wondering. Well, with this project, the garden has been neglected. Kevin is bringing me topsoil and bark tonight. He'll bring another load of rocks when I'm ready because I have *ideas*.