06 August 2020

Re-Entry Challenge

I had to go to work last week to do some actual work.  Usually it's a stop in, drop off/pick up, and I'm gone.  This trip required actual human interaction and thought processing.

I fear for my actual return to adulting/humaning/working.  Not that it is going to happen before the New Year so I've got time to re-acclimate.  But, damn, dude.

My office seemed unfamiliar, I had to remember how to use the copier, how to do My Job.  It felt kind of like my first day of ever doing the job but weirder.  Like when you have that dream where everything is familiar but not quite as it should be.  I guess that's the WHOLE WORLD right now though.

There were only two people in the office that day: the office manager whom I work with on the regular and a case manager but that was more peopling than I am used to anymore.  I usually see...*looking around*...Kevin, and that's it.  Like I've mentioned before: that's a lot of peopling. 

Then there's the whole having to be somewhere on time, which is a challenge on a regular day.  It is said that I live in my own time zone because I operate in -ish.  Also, time has no relevancy right now.  I actually have to tell myself what day it is when I wake up each day.  Now add an expectation.  It's like going back to school after summer break.  

One of the habits I am going to have to break is muttering/talking to myself.  I spend A LOT of time alone now so I talk to Lucy and myself.  Kevin mentioned this the other day, with a tinge of concern and humor.  "I spend A LOT of time alone" I replied.   I guess if I ever do return, I have an office door that I can close then talk to myself all day long.

Masks are required right now and likely will be if we return in late Fall.  Because I have sensory issues, I am curious how this is going to go.  I mean, I wear a mask in stores but that's in minute increments and not hour increments. Maybe I'll like the incognito look.  Although a mask won't hide my eye-rolling.  

And really, all of this is moot until Winter.  Still, I found it interesting what an introvert I had become.  


Swistle said...

A favorite part: "but that was more peopling than I am used to anymore. I usually see...*looking around*...Kevin, and that's it."

My mom has found that a gaiter (sp?) style mask is nice for longer use. More AIR. Less FACE TOUCHING.

Gigi said...

Even before all of this, I talked to myself and my computer all the live long day at work. And I don't have an office. The weird thing is this - now that I've been home, I don't talk to myself nearly as much as I did in the office.

I try to go in on Saturday for a couple of hours to get some stuff done that I can't do from home. Every time I walk in something is different. It's off putting.

And, without a doubt, the "peopling" will be distressing when we re-open. I would like to suggest that we just stay the current course until I'm old enough to retire.

Surely said...

Swistle: I forgot to mention this...I was going to order one and then the report that they are the least effective of masks happened. Sigh.

GiGi: I have over ten years before retirement so it feels like a big ask for humankind. LOL!! As of right now, I'm not scheduled to return until January. Sigh.