28 April 2009


Well hello there. It seems that I have fallen off the grid. Sorry about that.

As I haven't been able to sit or stand for a few days now, my life has been somewhat small. I'll make this quick so I can go have more bonding time with the couch.

Thursday afternoon, my hip decided to relocate. Leaving me at a 45 degree angle that is most attractive and painful to boot. I had a work function that I couldn't leave so that was fun. To add to the festivities: My chiropractor is out on Fridays so I got to experience Dobie McGillis/Doogie Howser - Chiropractor. Oh. My. God.

Terribly nice guy but beat the living snot out of me. But I was able to get through the weekend, which was the goal as we were in Seattle for our first race. I spent a large percentage of the weekend, laying prone in the truck eating Advil like jelly beans.

But Kevin did Very Well so it was totally worth it.

But on Sunday afternoon, I began to get a scratchy feeling in my throat. Uh oh.
It's now Tuesday and I'm hacking like I smoked in utero. I've had a wonderful cocktail of antihistimines, ibuprofen, children's cough medicine (cough medicine makes me vomit, seriously) and any fluids that I can get down me without coughing them across the room.

Oh, children's cough medicine - grape flavor - with a mocha chaser: Not A Good Idea. I'm just saying.

I've missed two days of work (hi J!) and might miss tomorrow too. I've not sat at the computer for more than five minutes in five days and I'm ready to take hostages.

But tomorrow's another day Scarlett.... Sh*t, coughing is commencing once again so it's a sign to go be one with the couch again.

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