06 April 2009

Gardening 101

With the Malibu Barbie Dream House also came a new big yard & rock garden.

Kevin nor I really enjoy gardening but we've managed to have a nice yard despite of it. In the middle of the summer, I enjoy it. It only requires watering. A pretty simple task that even I can manage.

Luckily we were given, or purchased, only the hardiest of plants. My sister-in-law, the wonder gardener, always says "The meaner you are to them, the happier they are." That's why we have rhododendrons, mums, ivy, ferns, boxwoods, and other assorted plants that require little/no attention.

It's officially spring now. Sunday was the first really sunny, warm day that made it possible to go assess the damage that our most wintery winter wreaked. We had lots of snow for long periods of time and I think it may have done in a few of our flowers. I walked around the yard like an CSI inspector, searching for signs of life and pretending that I had any idea what I was looking for.

While it's lovely working outside, I am always reminded of two things:

Being left handed sometimes blows.

Long hair and gardening rarely get along.

I was clipping milkweed back and juggling the clippers...okay, scissors...back and forth between my hands while battling my hair falling in my face. Fun! Especially since milkweed is poisonous and will burn your eyes if you rub them.

This spring also presents a new & fun challenge: jeans that won't stay up. Good thing the neighbors aren't close by. Because that's a sight no one wants to see!

Now that I've trimmed and cleaned everything up, I'm going to wait a few more weeks before buying any more plants. Perhaps I'll be surprised and some of the plants will make a Rocky-esque comeback.

This is the rock garden from last fall:

1 comment:

Not Your Aunt B said...

Hope your plants come back- you'll be surprised with those hardy plants. And gardening on an incline is quite a challenge!