A few years ago, I hit a rough patch. And I mean A. ROUGH. PATCH.
I won't bore you with details, just know: It Wasn't Fun.
My BFF D gave me a pillow that she had specially made, not without some serious convincing on her behalf, mind you. It summed up what needed to be done to get through what I was going through.
I think everyone needs a friend like this and a pillow like this. As I can't send everyone a pillow, I can send everyone a picture. Perhaps this will help you get through your rough patches in life:
*warning * Language!

Ha! I love it!
HA! Classic. My pillow would read, "..get the fucking compass to find the gym and get your butt back...".
Ha! That's great!
We've actually collected a few quotes for future pillows. Or if someone says something stupid/sarcastic, we will comment "Gosh, that'd be great on a pillow".
You'll reach your destination with the compass of your heart. I like the pillow!
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