20 July 2008

Witness Protection Program

As I've mentioned in previous posts, the family all lives within FEET of one another. Yes, FEET.
7 people, three houses, 2 acres. It sounds like a reality show and it's called my life.

However, the neighborhood (as in us and my b & s-i-l) just heaved a collective sigh of relief. The Parents went away...for a WEEK. A WEEK!

We can come and go unmonitored! We don't have to wave every time we walk by! We're FREE!

While it's lovely having family nearby and it has come in handy when I've run out of cheese or don't feel like cooking. BUT, this little vacation is wonderful.


1 comment:

Jess said...

This is JUST like my sisters and our parents! They definitely have their own "compound" going on. Enjoy your week of privacy!