I forget every. single. time. that I have hand-eye coordination issues. Lack of depth perception makes painting edges just Such A Joy. That's why the title says "Monot" instead of "Monet". Although, we do have the whole blurry thing in common.
So guess what I did today? I painted the crown molding around the doors that I HAD TO HAVE about nine months ago. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Now, I should stop whining here because I'm done and it only took about two hours...one John Mayer CD and one Jack Johnson CD...I made sure I had chill music on.

I am usually a messy painter and thusly have been banned from painting in the new house. I heard twice today "He let you paint!?!?!" (:-D
This banishment doesn't come without reason. Some past painting adventures were:
A blue kitchen floor. It looked good at first but then scratched easily. (rookie mistake: it needed a sealant) I still think it looked better than the 70's avocado green patterned floor that it used to be.
White-washing 1970's paneling. This was actually easy and I did it rooms at a time. My sins were exposed when we moved out however: I didn't paint behind the couch, entertainment center or china cupboard. Hey, no one knew until we moved out and because the house was being torn down, no one cared.
A green kitchen. This is my fave project actually. This is what happens when MG goes on a week long trip and I am left to my own devices. ((wouldn't you know it, I can't find the disc with the pictures of the kitchen!!! Otherwise, I would post how cool it turned out.))
Now you see why perhaps it might be reasonable that I am banned from painting in the Malibu Barbie Dream House.
However, next summer we will be painting as we'll have been in this house for four years. I have been mulling colors for over a year now. Trust me, I'll be seeking advice when the time comes. And assistance.
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