My m-i-l had surgery this week which required us to sit in a waiting room all day on Thursday.
The good/bad thing about being sick in this family is that Everyone is THERE. There were eight of us. Eight. And there could have been more, easily. We've become pros at hospital waiting: Snacks, water, books, magazines, crosswords, etc. We commandeer an area and settle in like squatters. The waiting room had computers and wireless internet so the Nephew & I alternated updating our Facebook status and checking emails. Thank God for technology.
As previously posted, you saw that Mr Pickles and the fam played poker...and solitaire... and...blackjack...and WAR. They even taught another person waiting how to play a specific kind of solitaire, as well as share knitting techniques. This family has never met a stranger, ever.
Kevin & I had the discussion about visitors while in the hospital. He said he'd like to have visitors or he'd have hurt feelings. I say "I want you and D there. That's it. Everyone else can piss off." Don't take it personally friends & family. Come visit me at the house anytime you wish, you don't even have to call. But if I'm in the hospital: love you but stay away.
Scenes from General Hospital:
Kevin's aunt & uncle are there. His aunt is my brother-in-law's age so she's more of a cousin than aunt. She mentioned that her ex-husband called to wish her happy anniversary. (they've been divorced five years & she's remarried) Our heads collectively exploded over this. She shrugged it off and said "Well, there's history there..."
We're standing in the hallway and this low-rent, redneck looking guy goes walking by. He says to his friend "And she thinks she wants money from me...F*&k you, bitch" Kevin & I broke out laughing.
"Nice!" I say "Because you're not in a public area and audible."
Then Kevin says "I wonder what she did to make him so mad?"
A few minutes later Redneck Boy goes past us again, this time with three women of varying ages. I leaned over to Kevin..."I wonder which one is the f*(king bitch?" Kevin says "I wonder if they know they're f#$king bitches?"
There was a baby in the waiting room in the afternoon. (did I mention that we were there for eight hours) The baby was about one year old. She was doing very well being in the setting she was in. She was babbling, as babies do. She let out quite a stream of babble and the Nephew calmly says "Don't Talk to Me Like That!" I was mid-sentence in a book and just busted out laughing.
On the way home we stopped for dinner. I would have been happy with a happy meal in the car but Kevin wanted to stop. I went into the washroom and while I was in the stall, a little one came in. The door to the stall shook and I hear an adult's voice say "No, not that one, someone is in there."
"But I want to go in that one" the tiny voice says.
"No, you need to go into this one and go"
There's a moment of silence. Little one is pondering...
"But I want to see who's in there..."
I broke out laughing. It was just so doggone cute.
At the restaurant, Kevin had a club sandwich without cheese because "That's the way we make them" according to the waitress. I just figured it was Karma for making us stop to eat on the way home. (:-D
PS...the m-i-l has P.A.D. and they put artificial artery in one leg to restore circulation. It was a success, she's fine & will be home Monday-ish.
1 comment:
Those scenes are pretty funny. And I like the word low-rent to describe someone. Ha! Hope she heals quickly (your mil, not the f*&king b^%ch he was referring to).
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