02 March 2009

Sock it to Me

I am a little OCD when it comes to my clothing. Things have to match, and not just match but MATCH. I am not comfortable if my black shirt is darker than my black pants. I know, I'm a freak of nature.

So, it comes with not a little surprise from myself that I don't match up my socks in my sock drawer. Well, I kind of do, haphazardly. I have good intentions, let's say.

Usually they don't stay matched for long as I do the morning routine of "Where are those socks? Not those, the others ones..." that results in a jumbled up mess.

Also, I detest overhead lighting. Hate. It. So that makes discerning black socks from navy socks just FUN. Yes, I've worn two different colors to work before. Luckily, they're just socks.

In the old house, I even tried drawer dividers but those just stressed me out even more. After that failed experiment, I kind of went through an only white or black socks phase. Then I only had to worry about matching style to style until it became finding that short, navy sock and not the long navy sock that I'm not sure why I even keep because it's too long.

Back in the day, *ahem* 1987 *cough* It was trendy to match your socks to your shirt. And sometimes even wearing two pairs of socks to coordinate with a multicolored outfit. As I got older (i.e. out on my own & doing my own laundry) I decided that was, well, just stupid. But every once in a while I find myself still digging through random socks trying to find the pair that goes with that sweater. Old habits die hard.

And Kevin, the big jerk, just wears white athletic socks. This whole post is irrelevant to him. Boys are so lucky.


Swistle said...

It took me a lonnnnnng time to stop matching my socks to my shirt and start matching them to my pants. A lonnnnnnnng time.

Not Your Aunt B said...

I remember the two sock period! HA! Cracks me up just thinking of what I looked like then!

And I just threw out all the navy socks because they were making me crazy.