23 March 2009

Positive Negative Rant

I have a list of sites that I check daily...some are newsy, some are blogs, some are Facebook.

I have a handful of stranger-friend blogs that I really enjoy reading. So, bored and hoping to add to the stranger friends list, I started randomly browsing for more blogs to read.

I am amazed at some of the stuff people will post. Seriously.

Blogs to some people are online diaries. I get that. But I wonder if they do. It's ONLINE. It's FOREVER. That means everyone can See it. Co-workers, exes, family. While many are anonymous, like mine, there is still a chance people you know & love but don't intend to read Can. It's just mind boggling to me.

While Kevin can make me C.R.A.Z.Y, it would never occur to me to rant/complain about him the way some bloggers do about their spouses/partners. We're not perfect and we don't usually fight beyond a snarky comment here & there.

And really, I'm trying not to sound pious, but really? do you really call your spouses names? I mean not silly names but names like curse words that I don't even want to type because WOW, I can't imagine calling Kevin that EVER.

Because, seriously, if you're calling your spouse names like that: do something about it. Clearly, you're miserable or really angry. And if you're not either of those things, piece of advice: stop calling them names like that. I can imagine their replies "But I don't actually *mean* that he's a &*#-wad...THEN DON"T CALL THEM THAT.

I realize that somethings are lost in translation. I know that I can post something that C, D, J, or K would laugh out loud reading because they can hear me say it. While others wouldn't get it because you don't know me for reals and can't hear the inflection of my voice/words.

Maybe it's because Kevin was extremely ill and I had to look at possibly losing him. Maybe it's because we've been together eighteen years, to go all Hallmark on you: I can't imagine my last words to him or about him being "I can't believe that effin' a**hole didn't put his dishes in the sink." Nor would I be able to withstand the look of hurt he would have if he read or was told about me saying it.

Also at risk of sound pious again: I know I drop the F bomb occasionally and I curse on the blog for sure. I am worse/better in real life...depending on the setting. But I try to keep it to a appropriate level - if there is such a thing. I try to write so, hopefully, you're not offended.

I've read the C word (male & female version) on a few blogs and found myself agape. And I live in Boy World. Boys don't even use those words regularly. I don't even call MICHAEL, the guy I have a permanent restraining order for, those names.

Sadly, I'm out. I can't do it. It's not that I'm a goody two shoes. (oh, really not, no!) I just find it unnecessary. Frankly, my opinion of the person drops.

I can't imagine getting to that place or being that person:
"I, firegirl, take you, Kevin to have and hold til death do us part, unless you leave your towel on the floor and then I'm going to curse you profusely to the entire universe in a way that will not only make you cry but want to kill me in return. I do."

The moral of this story, for me, is: it's okay to complain about your spouse/partner but don't disrespect them to entire world. Mmmkay?

And to my blogger stranger friends I don't mean YOU, at all!! This opinion was generated from randomly browsing blogs in no particular order or reason.

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