31 May 2009


Good Morning Bea, (and everyone else too!)

Eminem's new album is GOOD. I listened to it in one setting yesterday and it felt like I'd sat through a movie. It focuses on his addiction and rehab journey a lot and there are a few DARK tracks...3 AM and Kill You, for example. But it's GOOD.

The Fam was all gone yesterday afternoon (I know! what are the odds of that happening) so I could turn it up!

I really liked it. It's not as mainstream as his other albums though. But it's good to have a new album from him.

If you didn't see it, he was on Jimmy Kimmel two weeks ago. Pretty good stuff.

This concludes Firegirls Sunday Morning CD Review. (:-D

1 comment:

Not Your Aunt B said...

Sweet! I must go get it. I dig his stuff- I know some people don't- but it works for me. I am liking this Firegirls Sunday Morning CD Review.

And the story about people being retarded cracked me up! It is one of my favorite words to use, which isn't too PC, but really fits some people quite well.