04 May 2009

Love in the Time of Cholera

So, I'm still sick. My update status today was: "I'm amongst the living but wouldn't describe myself as such just yet."

I attempted work today, which really just turned into an exercise in frustration for me. It's difficult to do my job when I'm hacking like an in-utero smoker and speak barely above a whisper. Not to mention the sheer exhaustion of just getting ready to go anywhere. I haven't been anywhere since, oh, last Monday. Did you know it's Spring?

I was so sick that when my father-in-law mowed our yard, he literally had to walk by the bedroom windows while doing so and I couldn't get up. Kevin came home that afternoon and asked who mowed. I had to shrug as I couldn't begin to get out of bed to make sure that it wasn't some confused, dyslexic vandals.

My mom reminded me that usually when I get an illness like this, it takes forever for me to shake it. It happens so seldomly that I forget this. But she doesn't because she's the mom.
Oh, this is the mom that didn't want to give me bad news "because you're so sick." Um, Mom? It's Still Bad News, whether or not I'm sick. But bless her for the effort.

But that's not the best part. This is: Kevin is sick. Now, that's not what it sounds like, bear with me. He's been sick since Thursday. He kicks everything much faster than I do however. Which makes no sense whatsoever because HE's the one with the compromised immune system.

I came home early today and it turns out that Kevin was right behind me. He's miserable with a non-stop runny nose, sneezing, and cough. He hadn't taken any meds today so the cold really settled in. I made him take the Tylenol Sinus-Flu-whatever he's been taking the past three days. Unfortunately, it has only made the symptoms worse. Bad enough that when he sneezes or blows his nose, he finishes with a "I f&*king hate you."

So, D calls to see how I am doing. She called in the middle of one of Kevin's tirades while I'm trying to get him to tell me what he wants/need other than my untimely death.

She's listening in as we're having this "What do you want from me?" conversation that ended in me saying "Call Your Mother." But not before D hears this from him...I have to use my given name because otherwise it's just not as funny...

"Kawhenb, I dobnt neeb a deconbestent"

All I can hear on the phone is hysterical giggling from D. There's no breathing, no words, just that high pitched giggle you get when you can't stop. Which made me laugh and I will admit, did not improve Kevin's attitude.

Now he's watching racing and I'm in here, sitting at my desk for the first time in days and days.
I'm just biding my time until he can take Nyquil and stop cursing my name.


Swistle said...

AH HA HA HA! "Other than my untimely death"!

Dynamita said...

I'm with Swistle. Haaaaahahaha