07 July 2009

Self Portrait

I'm always a little jealous when I see clever profile pictures on Facebook, Blogger, and such.
I am not comfortable in front of a camera at all. Behind one, sure. In front of one, yikes.

I struggled with a profile picture on FB, originally just cropping myself from a group shot.

There are a few challenges with photographing myself.

Firstly, I wear glasses so not having a reflection is an issue. Or have the glasses bent/crooked.

Secondly, I have a nose. No, really. A Nose.

Thirdly, which can actually be listed as "Firstly, Part A" is that my eyes cross if I'm looking at certain angles. ATTRACTIVE.

I was playing with my cell phone camera tonight...I'm easily entertained...and I came up with a picture that makes me LOL.

So, without further ado: Firegirl


Jess said...

Cute photo! That could totally be a profile pic.

I struggle with profile pics because some of them just seem SO... self-involved.

Swistle said...

Ha ha! You are totally cute. Also, you DO NOT have "a nose."

Surely said...

Thank you!!!!!