The beautiful Pacific Northwest has switched places with Texas. It is hot enough to make nuns curse, I'm telling you. Today it is supposed to reach 100 degrees. This is the fourth day in the nineties and the millionth day above 80.
I don't know how anyone does this on a regular basis, seriously. Us native Washingtonians are feeling wilted.
I am beginning to hate everyone. Except you, of course. I still like you.
But Holy Mother of God it's hot.
I was just talking to Kevin about dinner because No One wants to cook in this heat...it seems redundant...and he suggested ice cream. Then he chose two fast food restaurants. When I asked him if he had a preference, he said:
"I don't care if you stop at 7-11 and buy a burrito. Just bring something home for dinner so you don't have to cook."
105 in Olympia today...UGH!!!
Here's the thing about Texas...it's been over 100 since MAY. And actually, we had temps in the 90's in March too. And when we hit 100, it only gets to the 80's at night. It should now be referred to as hell. It is that hot. And humid. I am envious of your 80 degree temps forecasted for the weekend. And 60's at night! Downright chilly!
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