30 April 2019

But What If I Could

Years ago, my friend lost his seven-year-old in an accident.  It was hands-down the worst thing I have ever experienced. And I've seen some stuff.  I can't talk about him without struggle, even now and it's been years.  It does a disservice to Casey because man, he was an awesome kid.

Casey came up in conversation the other day and a random memory popped up later.  It is the absolute perfect example of who this kid is.  I refuse to refer to him in the past tense.

We were out at the parents and Casey and I were down at the lake talking.  I don't remember the specific thing but I remember I said "But we can't do that. It's not possible." 

He just looked at me, like he would - an old soul, for sure - "But what if you could?"   There was no whimsy, or childishness. He just straight up Yoda'd me. 

But what if I could.

Casey B, dropping some wisdom. I'm telling you, that kid.  What a gift