27 March 2021

Watermark Moment

 Two photography things.  One is a humblebrag and the other is a little conundrum for me.

I post daily on the instagram.  It's something I enjoy and do not for one minute try to cultivate a following.  I don't even look at that number. I don't hashtag.  Sometimes I'll add a location.  It's more for my personal enjoyment than anything else.

Now to sound opposite of what I just wrote, I also belong to a photography page on the facebook.  It's run by one of the local news stations and was started by an online friend of mine, who is a meteorologist.  

Every once in a while, I will post one of my photos on that page.  Usually it's one that for whatever reason I really like or if it gets a more-than-usual amount of likes on the gram.  I've been greeted with encouraging comments, shares and likes.  

The other day I posted a photo on the gram that I really liked.  Then I posted it on the photography page and didn't think about it again.  Until 6:00 this morning when I saw a notification on the facebook page.


I mean, what? Is this real life?  It is going to be shown on television as the featured photo of the day.

I think it's the early broadcast, 4:00 or 5:00 pm. PST.  Here is the link for my ten seconds of fame:       https://komonews.com/watch

So, that's amazing and unexpected and a little goggling.

Now the conundrum: a few weekends ago, I was tagged on the facebook post by a friend to post my ten favorite photos.  It is intended to last ten days and to tag other friends and whatever. A photography chain letter, sorta. Never a rule follower, I threw up a collection of my favorite photos.

Fast forward about a week and one of my cousin's wife used one of the photos as her cover page.  Hmm. While flattering that she liked it, I feel some sort of way about it being used and made to look like she took the photo.  (yes, I checked the comments)

I haven't seen these cousins in a few years and I thought about a comment like "Oh, look! you used my photo. SO GLAD you liked it." but that felt a little petty. So I just moved on.

Now, though, I'm starting to wonder if I should watermark my photos, which feels pretentious.  Until someone shares my photos and it bothers me that they're mine even though I SAID that I don't do it for the attention.  

So, that's amazing and stunning and something to think about.


Gigi said...

Yes, definitely watermark your pictures - they are yours and you deserve the credit.

Swistle said...

Oh WOW that is such a good photo, and how THRILLING that they USED IT ON TV!!!!

(Less thrilling about the cousin's wife. Still flattering. But less thrilling.)