22 March 2021

What It Looks Like

 Ten days ago I started this post:

I am having an ADD morning.  It's probably related to stress but knowing the source doesn't help.

If you were to walk into the house right this second:
There are two pots of boiling water on the stove.
There is a truck wheel in the common folk bathroom
I am showered, half-dressed, with wet hair.
I have to leave in twenty minutes.
My bed isn't made because Lucy was sleeping in the middle of it.
The Lucy who is now barking outside on the deck.
There are photos strewn -what feels like- throughout the house 

What's actually happening:
Cleaning the wheel to put on the truck. (more on that later)
I have to go get MY FIRST COVID SHOT
Then I have to go to work
Then I have to go buy an album, or three for said strewn about photos 
Then I have to pick up another wheel at the body shop

Somewhere in there, I need coffee.
Oh, and work. I need to work at my desk. The one covered in photographs.

Today, a mere ten days later, if you were to walk in the house right this second:
Rosie is meandering around, fighting with curtains, coffee table, and rugs.
Well, one rug because the rest are in the wash.
I am mostly dressed and showered. It's a jammie day though.
Photos are confined to my office but it still feels like they are everywhere.
I thought yesterday was a good day to pull apart my closet.
One hoodie remains unhoused and is languishing on the bed.
I've done no work today except to respond to job partner's emails with memes.

What's actually happening:
Rosie is cleaning the floor because of the rugs in the wash & organized closet
The lovely PNW is cold one moment and sunny the next. Long sleeves but no socks.
The photo project is never getting finished.
Closet is reorganized, pending the delivery of a shelf for shoes.
I'm in a lull at work until April. 
I still haven't finished my book. One of the three goals I had set for the weekend, none of which were achieved. (photos, closet, book)

The cause of this mess is, well the usual suspect: alphabet brain; but also March has been unkind to us. It's left us with a bunch of unknowns and my brain copes with that by adding to the chaos.  Super.

The plan is: 
finish the closet tomorrow.
One album a day until the photo project is done.  This should get me to April, no exaggeration.
Work can pass today.  I'll work extra tomorrow.
As soon as I hit "publish" I am going to go finish my book.

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