25 February 2007

Voacbulary Throw Down - A Story

Okay, as promised here is the first installment of the challenge using all the words a high school graduate should know.
The theme kind of crept up on me and wasn't intentional. Once started, however, I ran with it.

This is using words starting with A through J. I need to take a break or my head is going to explode.

If you have comments or entries, please feel free to post for our enjoyment.

And so we begin...

Abjure: Katie was forced to abjure under the scrutiny of the press; renouncing her former belief that the earth was created by aliens from another planet when she suddenly realized just how ridiculous that sounded.

Abrogate: In light of her epiphany, she abrogated her marriage immediately; as her husband refused to acknowledge the insanity of his beliefs.
(used word # 20 already! Ha! Take that, word nerds!)

Abstemious: Katie was relieved that she now didn't have to be so abstemious. She could binge on burgers and fries now that her skeletal BFF and former husband were no longer pressuring her to conform to the Hollywood standard of beauty.

Acumen: She was amazed at the return of her acumen upon separating from her husband and his beliefs.
Suddenly, she was once again clear-headed and intelligent.

Antebellum: Her spirit of independence bolstered her during the antebellum period before the divorce proceedings. She knew her husband, nor the organiation would let her go easily.

Auspicious: As her former husband was more auspicious than herself, she knew that the divorce proceedings would be long, expensive, and arduous. In addition, he had the organizations financial backing

Belie: The "organization" to which her husband belonged belied the actual beliefs; leading people to believe they were a healthy and uplifting group.

Bellicose: In fact, they were quite bellicose in spouting their beliefs, often shouting down critics and skeptics.

Bowdlerize: Katie was often surprised how the organization bowdlerized their beliefs, sanitizing them so the public wouldn't be offended or questioning.

Chicanery: It was certainly a form of chicanery, likening them to a traveling witch doctor of old.

Chromosome: Certainly, it was ridiculous that the organization felt that their members possessed an extra chromosome that empowered them.

Churlish: Leaders often would become churlish if followers dared questioning the belief.

Circumlocution & Circumnavigate: They would often use circumlocution to confuse and befuddle the members, circumnavigating the issues of the ridiculousness of their history and allowing them to convince the members of their power.
(Two for one, baby!)

Deciduous: No matter their clever manipulations, there was still a degree of deciduousness among members. Sometimes, members would still escape from the organization as Katie had.

Deleterious: Once out of the fold, former members, such as Katie, realized the deleteriousness of the organization and are amazed that they ever fell under the organization's spell.

Diffident: However, the organization often targeted the diffident, as their low esteem made them easy targets.

Enervate: The constant barrage of information would often enervate the new members; making them easier still to manipulate.

Enfranchise: Once convinced, members would often enfranchise their friends and family, trying like Amway salesmen to bring them into the fold.

Epiphany: They would often brag about their epiphanies, in attempt to draw more members thus elevating themselves in the organization.
(note: I used this word twice)

Equinox: The equinox was celebrated as the new beginning for the organization.

Euro: The organization used the Euro for currency as it was untraceable to a specific country or place.

Evanescent: Rational thought seemed evanescent to friends and families of the followers. They couldn't believe their loved ones would believe such absurdity.

Expurgate: The organization often would expurgate their beliefs when publishing them to the media, in effort to minimize the scrutiny of the press.

Facetious & Fatuous: No matter how they tried, the media was still often facetious in their writings of the fatuous organization. No amount of editing could make their history and beliefs sound rational and intelligent; no matter how many celebrities professed to believe.

Feckless & Fiduciary: Again, the organization often focused on the feckless in order to bolster their own fiduciary gain. The easily transformed often willingly gave of their cash and possessions, a requirement of the organization.

Filibuster: Once strengthened, Katie would often wage a filibuster with the press, expounding the danger of the organization's tactics and control.

Gamete & Hemoglobin:: In desperation, the organization would threaten to inject a gamete into wavering members bodies, rendering them weak and ill, in punishment for their skepticism. Katie had her hemoglobin levels tested in fear that she had been injected with the threatened gamete without her knowledge.

Gauche: Some members fell for this tactic as they were gauche and inept.

Gerrymander & Hegemony:: The organization often used Hollywood to gerrymander their beliefs and bolster political strength. This tactic often resulted in hegemony, the spread of the belief and influence among the moneyed circles of stardom.

Homogeneous & Hubris: The organization often mocked the homogenous view of other religions, citing a narrow point of view. Their hubris sometimes worked against them; offending people instead of drawing them into the organization.

Hypotenuse: The use of a hypotenuse in a triangle was often used to explain the organizations chain of command, much like a pyramid scheme.
(by the way, word nerds, I had to go ONLINE to look this word up. I haven't had geometry since high school for goodness sake.)

Impeach & Incognito: The president avoided an impeachment of his presidency and administration by making an incognito donation to the organization. Thus bolstering the organization's influence and power.

Incontrovertible: The incontrovertible truth bounced off the organization as if it were protected by an invisible shield.

Inculcate & Infrastructure & Interpolate: Regular classes were conducted for members in order to inculcate information, much like the brainwashing scenes in the movie Manchurian Candidate. These classes were conducted in order to preserve the infrastructure of the system. They also would interpolate their beliefs into daily conversation and all media observed and shared by members.

Irony & Jejune: The irony being that the more they spread the word, the more attention was paid to the ridiculousness of their claims. They became jejune, likened to a science fiction chapter book on a sixth grade reading list.

Tune it later, children, for the final chapters K through Z of the Vocabulary Challenge...

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