24 November 2010

Tomorrow's Another Day

It's been a day. I was looking forward to being back to normal. The laptop's untimely demise threw a wrench into that quite nicely. Luckily, we didn't spend all of our money on our trip so even though we will be eating leftovers for the next week we have a new-to-us laptop.

Pawn shops are the Pit of Despair. Today they were a savior. I bought a $400 laptop (when new) that was priced at $300 for $250. Flirting & blonde can be useful tools.

I came home to get the laptop set up when I couldn't get my broadband to work. *sigh* A telephone call later I am going back into town. The shiney side of this is that I forgot to buy my brother a birthday gift for tomorrow. I know that doesn't sound like a shiney side but it falls into the Furiously Happy category.

Now tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am concentrating on not being crabby. Two dinners in four hours is not my idea of fun. To boot I am still feeling disconnected from the world and just need one more day to get caught up.

So hang with me folks. I promise to get caught up. I just need the Cone of Silence and working

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