30 November 2010

Day of Rest

I try to be a good person, I really do. If you know me in real life: stop laughing. I am not a churchy person, I am no where near devout, I just get by. I don't follow any holy book, edict, or idea blindly. I use the commandments as guidelines.

We've talked about the whole taking the Lord's name in vain thing before. We've talked about the conundrum that is the "Honor thy parents" thing. We haven't talked about this though. Intrigued? It's not as sexy is you're thinking.

Sundays. Sundays are a day of rest. No work, etc. This is one that I do try to follow. I am sure that I have broken this one before but I really, really try not to.

Of all the effed up things in my childhood, this is one that mys parents did try to uphold. Sundays weren't church days at all but they were days where nothing happened. We were expected to be home. It was usually a quiet day as well. It appeared to be an actual day of rest, regardless of the reason.

This has come up recently as work is hosting a function on a Sunday. Initially I thought it was on Saturday and was anticipating going. Then I realized that it's on a Sunday. *dilemma*

A person could say that I could attend but just not help but really? How likely is that? Also, a little douchey to be there but say "Nope, can't help. That's working" whilst actually standing in said workplace with actual coworkers who are working. I must clarify that it's not actual Work, it is a special event. I wouldn't be earning a wage while there but I am still at work.

I know, it seems arbitrary and I sense eye-rolling and that's okay. It's just something that I try to follow to the best of my ability, logical or not. It's a little thing. I know I'm not banished from Heaven if I break it. People won't perish if I break it. But I still do it.

So poppets, tell me: What do you do on Sundays?


Swistle said...

I'm not rolling my eyes, and in fact I had a warm-heart feeling when you eliminated the possibility of attending without helping, and then were like "best of ability, no banishing, no perishing, but still trying." I can't explain exactly why---just that it makes me feel like you GET IT...or that you try to apply things in a sensible way without being, er, douchey about it. It makes you the perfect balance of practical/considerate while still having ideals and working towards...stuff. I don't know what I'm saying. I mean, I DO know, but I don't know how to say it!

creative kerfuffle said...

yeah, what swistle said : )

sundays for us are usually the only days we don't have something (soccer, karate, etc) going on. sometimes we do yard work...sometimes we veg. we've never really claimed it as a day of rest per se, more like a free day, laid back day.