27 October 2009

Louder the Better

According to this post, I have Nerd Attention Deficit Disorder...

I'm at work and there is currently:
The radio playing
A co-worker chatting
Two tabs open on Firefox
My in-box open & correspondence going back & forth
A database open
Checks & receipts spread about on my desk.

Did I mention construction going on outside my window?

If I were home, the television would be on. If I'm working in my office, the stereo would be on also. Not to mention being able to hear Kevin singing and/or talking. (sometimes it's the same thing) And the dogs "guarding" the neighborhood.

I've found that the busier and louder it is, the happier my brain is. Give me a calm environment and it's nappy nap nigh night time. Or I will notice every little audible sound which drives me slowly to madness and I can't concentrate on anything.

No wonder I'm so happy at the racetrack!


Laura said...

Hi! I'm Laura with BlogHerAds. My messages to you are bouncing back to me, could you email me please?

Laura at BlogHer dot com


Bethany said...

LOL, I'm the same way most of the time. I enjoy the noise and am always multi-tasking!