21 July 2019

I Can't Get There from Here

I have a project at work that I'm a little spun out about.  It's challenging but not impossible.  I just can't...decide. I don't know how to start.  I know what the end result needs to be but I just can't get there from here.

 And I was thinking about it this morning and thought "Hmm, that's gotta be kind of a metaphor."

A quick recap: the job I do was a brand new position two years ago.  It was a very much a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of design.  It had requirements to be met on a quarterly-ish basis, but how I arrived at meeting those requirements was my decision/creation. So, I built a system but as time went by, it changed as things have the tendency to do.

So, it's not like I can simply go to someone and say "How did you do this?"  Because I am the You.

Back to the metaphor.

It's a situation where I know what needs to be done, what the end result is.
The struggle is that it's difficult.  It's not easy. It's not fun.
And it has to be done.

Substitute this project with, say, any other thing and what would the advice be?

Do the hard thing.
Just start.
Figure it out on the way down.

I'll figure it out, I always do.  I'll do the hard thing and probably make mistakes but I'll figure it out.  If that's not a metaphor for my life, then nothing is.  :)

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