This morning I woke up with a cold/asthma. Not that I didn't have asthma before but I'm new to it so sussing out what-symptom-is-what is a challenge.
After sending Kevin off to work, I went back to bed and fell asleep. I snoozed my alarm until it wouldn't anymore. (I swear my cell phone is sentient.) Then I laid there and contemplated how much I needed to get up. Twenty minutes later and I'm now super late for work.
Like a grown-ass-adult I pouted in the shower and contemplated how badly I needed my job. Badly because I like nice things like a roof and food.
But you can't make me dress like an adult today. For real, though. Hoodie and sneakers. If I'm going, I'm going on my terms. To be fair, I knew I wasn't doing direct service today or any meetings.
We've endured snow, rainstorms for days, flooding and landslides and the general yukkiness that is January and February in the beautiful PNW. We are over it.
I went outside to discover that even though it was cold, it was remarkably lighter. There was a lot of fog and mist but I could see...light. The further I travelled, the less dense the fog became and I could see the sun. The SUN!! (and if this isn't a metaphor for my life, then I'm not a writer)
I stopped to get coffee because it's a rule that coffee is required, regardless of tardiness.
I noticed that the fog was still lingering along the river. I thought "I bet it's pretty" then thought "But you need to get to work, you're late." My response to myself "Meh, I'm already late..."
Employee of the Year award is mine *shaking my head*
I went to the only park I like in the Valley. I've taken photographs there in every season. (see the Christmas and Thanksgiving posts) Due to the rain and flooding, it was muddy so I carefully picked my way around puddles and mud to the trail and eventually to the river.
Eleventyteen photos later, I decided it was time to actually go to work. I repeated avoiding the puddles and mud and got back into the truck. While I looked at the photos I just took, I noticed something. Something...not happy...
Sonofabiscuiteatingdog. DOG POO. DOG POO ON MY SHOE.
And no resources to remove it. Sometimes Karma is instant, folks.
I got back out of the truck, dismayed to say the least.
I went out into the wet, wet grass and dragged my shoe back and forth. It helped but still a mess.
I grabbed a stick and scraped but that seemed to worsen the situation.
Returning to the truck, I grabbed tens of napkins and tried in vain to clean my shoe.
And yes: no way to clean my hands. SUPER.
I'm annoyed but laughing at myself now. My next options are to go into work and walk into my office in socks or return home to get another pair of shoes. Neither of these are very viable options. I could hear Kevin's parents "Why are you home again? Are you sick?" No thank you.
What to do...what to do...
Remember I mentioned picking my way past oh, you know, PUDDLES? Yeah...sometimes I can be smart, it just takes a minute.
I jumped back out of the truck, rolled up my cuffs and waded into the puddle. Like a preschooler.
If someone saw me, I'm sure they questioned my mental health. As did I.
A few attempts later and I was at least able to get back into the truck. While driving to work, I'm trying to problem solve as to how to completely remedy this mess. The staff bathroom is in the middle of the entire building so it requires walking down a long hallway. At least because I am late, there will be fewer people.
I've entered into Suck it Up, Buttercup territory at this point.
I made it into the staff bathroom undetected. The universe had decided I'd been adequately punished and no one was in the bathroom either. I took my shoe off and rinsed it in the sink and wiped it clean until the shoe was damp. That should be pleasant to wear all day, I tell myself.
Then I scrubbed the sink clean because I'm not an animal and went into my office like nothing had ever happened this morning.
Until I realized that I had a package of Wet-wipes in the console of the truck. Sigh.
And I had to go to a clinic to pick up needed forms.
But look:
Totally worth the dog poo
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