18 March 2022

It's Been Nothing But Weird

 So, this was a weird week.  It was a full moon and I'm sure Mercury was in Refrigerator.

My work went from I literally and actually had nothing to do to OMG in one day.  This is a good thing because I was getting bored but a little less whiplash would be great.

I'm just going to give a synopsis of the most recent Raising Parents saga:

a) they want to do the medicine by themselves despite our STRENUOUS objections.  So set the timer for the really bad thing to happen.

b) although not confirmed, it looks like my f-i-l tossed out all those pills in the organizer because he was confused which was which.  O.M.G.


AND THEN, Kevin had a nightmare and woke himself, me and the dog up yelling.  It's the first time that's ever happened and I'm absolutely convinced it's stress from the family and the general state of the world.

Next up, the b-i-l's puppy sneaked into the house yesterday and ended up PEEING ON THE NEW COUCH as I was trying to get it out of the house.  If you live in the PNW, you may have seen a nuclear shaped cloud above the neighborhood.  

Luckily, because new couch, it beaded up and I could wipe it away.  I still made an organic cleaner just in case and I haven't had the ambition or heart to go check it today.  The b-i-l offered to have it cleaned but I declined.  I don't want further drama and I think it's fine.

Homemade Cleaner via the pinterest:

Oh, because I'm still annoyed about that whole thing, I forgot the biggest and weirdest thing.  

I shared my ancestry account with one of my nieces.  She had curiosity about family lines as she has one differing bio parent.    Well, neither of us had looked at the site in quite a while.  I wanted to look up something about my grandma and I noticed there was an unread message.  

It turns out that my s-i-l has an unknown HALF BROTHER.   I texted my niece saying "Call me when you get a chance.  NOT an emergency but OMG!"  
She phoned almost immediately and I said "So, you haven't been on the ancestry site for a while, huh?"  She kind of flinched like I was upset.  I continued "I know this because there's a message from JULY and it's CRAZY."   Then I read the message to her.  When I read where the person referenced her bio-grandfather by name and her bio-grandma, she GASPED.  
Then we just freaked out together.  I told her that she needed to reach out not only to him but to her mom and her aunt. She was so excited.

Fast forward to the dog peeing on my new couch and I asked my s-i-l about it.  She was all MEH about it.  I mean, wut? So that was disappointing.  Hopefully my niece follows through and they can meet.

Today I went to go get a big girl haircut because I've been cutting my own hair for almost three years now.  To my shock and surprise, the stylist said I did a good job, it was just a little crooked.  So that feels much better.  Sadly, she's retiring soon so I'll go back to cutting my own hair.

It's daffodil season here.  But it's been super rainy.  I went to go take photos and it was a bust.  There wasn't an easy accessible field due to all the mud. I'll have to wait until the Tulip Festival.

Now because I just like to dare the universe to mess with me, I am going to go try to make something new for dinner instead of Kevin bringing home Friday Night Takeout.  Seems easy but we have met me and we'll just see.

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